Page 46 of Dawson

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“Are you hungry?” I asked, pushing some stray strands of hair out of his glasses, watching the way his eyes sparkled in the dim light of my hallway.

“What?” Nolan asked, though his voice was soft, and he didn’t break my gaze.

“I said, are you hungry?” I repeated myself, the innate desire to take care of this man overriding the rest of my ill-formed psyche that was losing its last marble.

“I... kind of... I mean...”

“Sit down on the couch,” I commanded as I turned away.

“What?” he asked as he followed me, the sound of his bare feet on my tile echoing in the small space.

“I said, sit down. Take a load off. I’ll grab you something,” I told him as I headed for my fridge.

“Fine,” Nolan grumbled, but he did as I asked.

So, he can listen... when he wants to.

I set about to grabbing the ingredients for the one thing that always made me feel better. I wasn’t entirely sure it would work for Nolan, but it was worth a shot. I set the chocolate and Nutella spread out, gathered my latest batch of specialty marshmallows from Penn’s Bakery, and fished the graham crackers out of the cupboard.

I turned to see Nolan curling up on my couch, noting how good he looked in my clothes. Like he was well and truly mine.

I swallowed at the thought of the word. I wasn’t the possessive type, and I’d never been. But something about Nolan brought out a side of me I’d never known, and I didn’t dislike it.

Not one bit.

I quickly slathered my graham crackers with the equal amounts of chocolate and Nutella spread, taking my time as I assembled my plate of s’mores. It didn’t take long until I had four of them done, and I tossed them in the air fryer.

I turned, setting my gaze on Nolan, who was watching me intently.

“Is there anything you don’t do?” he asked, his voice edged with sarcasm.


“It’s like, just when I think I know you... you find some way to keep me guessing.”

It was my turn to smile. “I could say the same about you, you know.”

“Me?” Nolan’s eyes widened and I smirked, noting the blush that crept onto his cheeks made my cock twitch and my heart race.

“Yeah, you. For the last two years, I thought I had you pegged. Then all of a sudden, you show up to bar bingo and get all cocky with me... then you beat me running, and then you—” I swallowed, my words dying in the air as I remembered Nolan and his mouthwatering kiss, his rigid hardness against my own causing me to see stars as I came in my damn pants like a teenager.

How my heart panicked when I saw him in the hallway earlier.

The air fryer dinged, perfectly on cue to break up the tense moment.

“I, uh... hold that thought,” I said as I pulled the s’mores out with my fingers quickly to avoid getting burned.

I grabbed the plate and made my way over to the couch, taking a seat next to Nolan. The cushions moved only slightly where I sat, making Nolan slope toward me in the slightest movement.

He looked at my plate with eyes as wide as saucers.

“Air fried s’mores?” he said with a raise of his eyebrow.

“Whenever I have a shit day, a little chocolate therapy usually does the trick. Unless, of course, you don’t like—”

“I like it, Dawson,” he said, his dark eyes focused on me intently. Something about his words felt off, like he wanted to say more but thought better of it.

I offered him the first bite, and he took it.
