Page 47 of Dawson

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His eyelashes fluttered, and he groaned as he took his bite, the sound going straight to my cock, and I had to cover my own mouth to stifle a groan.


“Oh man, that’s good,” he said, licking his lips of the remains of gooey marshmallow and chocolate.

I smiled as I reached for a s’more of my own, letting the warm, smooth sweetness coat my tongue and settle my nerves a bit. I leaned back into my cushions, the motion bringing my shoulder right against Nolan’s. I expected him to move away, but he didn’t. In fact, he leaned a little closer.

Instinctively, I wanted to wrap my free arm around him, but I also didn’t want to ruin this perfect moment.

To my surprise, he shifted his position, turning toward me. In the light of my apartment, his pale skin took on an almost angelic glow, his dark frames and eyes captivating me like the sucker I truly was in his presence.

God, was he pretty like this. Relaxed, freshly showered, lips begging to be kissed.

Fuck me sideways.

“I need to tell you something,” he said with a sigh.

I slowly chewed the remainder of my smore as I nodded, completely dumbfounded under his gaze.

“Well, out with it then,” I said as I swallowed the sweetness down my throat.

“I need to apologize,” he said as he ran a hand through his dark hair, his eyelashes fluttering, lips pursed in a tight line.

“Apologize for what, Nolan?” I asked as I shifted my position, turning my body to face him. The motion made us both sink into the cushions, our legs brushing one another in a soft collision.

I licked some chocolate off my thumb, watching his nose and cheeks redden as he let out a shaky breath.

“For being a dick earlier tonight, at M’s Place... I...”

I wanted to stop him, tell him it didn’t matter. All that mattered now was he was safe, and he was here. With me.

But something told me, that wasn’t what I should do, and so I said nothing.

Nolan continued. “I think your asshole tendencies might be rubbing off on me,” he said with a nervous laugh.

The sound made me smile, and instinctively I reached out and set my hand on his thigh, patting him with a gesture that was somehow both assuring, and soft all at once.

“You know what I think?” I asked with a smirk.

Nolan raised an eyebrow. “What?” he asked, pulling his pouty bottom lip in between his teeth, causing my cock to twitch again.

“I think you’re just a natural brat,” I said, my voice much darker than I intended.

Nolan looked back at me in question, chewing his lip. “I—” he started, just as I shook my head, placing a finger on his lips to shut him up.

“It’s not a bad thing, Nolan. I kind of... like it. I...”

Nolan’s soft lips against my fingertips were warm, igniting a fire in my blood that was hard to ignore.

The words fell out of my mouth without warning. “I kind of like... you.”

The weight of those words left me feeling lighter after I’d said them.

Because I understood at that moment the truth they held.

I did like Nolan.

I liked him a whole hell of a lot, and on some deeper level, I needed him to know that. I needed to be clear, and honest, just like Cade had told me to be.
