Page 59 of Dawson

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“It’s the least I could do,” I said as I sat across from him, focusing on my bowl of pasta because I knew if I looked at him, I’d lose my nerve.

I’d never fucking leave.

“Nolan, listen...”

I held up my hand and shook my head. “Food first. Then we can fight.”

I didn’t miss the small smirk that fell across Dawson’s lips.

“Is that an order?” he asked, his voice edged in sarcasm.

“Just shut up and eat your damn dinner,” I said, half-chuckling because he truly was a pain in the ass.

A pain in the ass that I knew I was most definitely falling in love with.

When we’d finally finished eating, Dawson moved to help me clean up.

“It’s fine, I—”

“Nope, not gonna let you win this one. You cooked, I clean. Those are the rules.”

I huffed in annoyance, but figured if he was in a better mood, I could let it go. It was his place after all, and I was just a guest. A guest on their way out.

“Dawson, listen... I really appreciate you letting me stay, but I think I should go. I’ll grab a room at the Paradise—”

“No,” Dawson said, turning to look at me with concerned eyes as he set the dishes in the sink. “Don’t go on account of my being as asshole... I didn’t mean, I just—”

Watching Dawson, a man who was usually so bold and confident, struggle over his words was somehow equally endearing as it was painful. And that melted my damn resolve, if I’d had any to begin with. I sighed.

“I was an ass. Earlier, I know I was, and I didn’t mean to be, really. I just...”

I took one small step toward him, noting how his entire body relaxed when I did. Almost as if he really didn’t want me to leave.

Dawson looked down at me with those fiery amber eyes, his gaze full of unspoken things and uncharted territory.

Full of hope.

But what did Dawson hope for?

“At the risk of sounding like an absolute idiot, I... I like you Nolan. I like you a lot, and I really like you being here, with me, but it’s more than that...”

Suddenly, I was the one who felt like the rug had been pulled out underneath me, despite the fact I was standing on it. My throat instantly tightened, my heart skipping a beat, my blood starting to rush with the onslaught of panic and anxiety. I know what I wanted him to say, but that didn’t mean he was going to say it.

Because the truth was, I liked being with Dawson too. I loved all the stupid little annoyances of his, his gorgeous face, and the little parts of him he kept hidden from most, but had decided to show me. But I knew it couldn’t be that simple.

Could it?

“Don’t get me wrong, you piss me off too. With your smug little smile, or your bratty fucking attitude, or how you can look sexier in my sweatpants than I do,” he said, flashing me a smirk.

I was frozen as I watched his eyelashes flutter, and I waited with bated breath for him to finish. Though it sounded like he was listing my faults, which irritated me, as if I didn’t already know I was a giant pain in his ass.

The feeling is mutual, though.

“But you also challenge me. Especially when you take control. Of the situation, of me...”

The vulnerability that crossed over his expression left my heart aching. I got the feeling that this... this soul-bearing moment was something new for Dawson, and I had to admit it was new for me too.

No man had ever looked at me like Dawson was, had ever poured their heart out to me like that. And the reality of that was scary, but also deeply fulfilling.
