Page 60 of Dawson

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“Dawson...” I sighed as I took another step, noting his gaze didn’t break mine. He only looked at me like I was a tall glass of water and he was in the fucking desert.

The need to soothe his rough edges, to calm his storms and insecurities was overwhelming. This man ran into burning buildings, saved people, and gave back to so much of this community.

He was a true hero, but who saved him?

Who put out the fires in his life?

Who pulled him from the wreckage?

I wanted to be that person. Dawson deserved someone who could withstand the flames, and at that moment, I found my own inner hero. I charged into his burning building, and I reached for him through the fire.

“I’d never try to control you. I was never trying to take that from you. I just wanted to take care of you for once. Take one thing off your shoulders.”

Dawson reached out, and set his hand gingerly on my hip, which only made his sweatpants slide down bit.

I really need to get a pair of these in my size, they are so comfortable...

Dawson’s thumb gently brushed my exposed skin, and I’d be lying if I said the touch didn’t make my entire body want to melt into a puddle on the floor.

God, I am in so deep...

Like a puppet on delicate strings, with one tiny movement of his hand, I fell into Dawson, against his chest, effortlessly.

“Damn you, Nolan,” he breathed out, his other hand snaking its way up my neck and into my hair.

His touch made me feel alive, the heat of his breath on my lips, the touch of his fingertips sliding into my hair like an out of body experience. I barely had a second to breathe before his lips were on mine, warm and inviting, but not soft in the least bit.

No, there was an edge to his kiss, a roughness that caused my cock to twitch and my heart to race.

I met his harsh lips with submission, wanting nothing more than be burned by this man until there was nothing left.

Dawson pulled away only a fraction, his fingertips on my waist moving up my chest to my neck, the pad of his thumb hooking under my chin to make me look up at him. In his fiery gaze, I could see he was scared.

He was terrified of this thing between us, just as I was, and that was what I responded to as I leaned closer, biting at his lower lip, settling my hand on his hip, pulling him to me.

But inside of me there was still panic, a voice in my head that told me I was bordering on dangerous territory.

Because I wanted to give Dawson everything he deserved, everything I could possibly give the man who gives to everyone else.

But all I had to offer was me, and my racing heart.

Would that be enough?

A startling moment of clarity cut through my thoughts, and I knew I needed to take a step back. I needed to get my head on straight and think things through, away from beautiful calendar gods and addicting kisses, and pretty amber eyes.

S.O. freaking S.

“I need... I need to go,” I said shakily, not wanting to leave one bit, but knowing if I didn’t there would be no turning back. Because if I stayed in Dawson’s kitchen, underneath his touch and kiss, I’d never recover. I would be ruined forever.

Tears threatened to escape my eyes and my heart was in my throat as I gingerly pushed away from Dawson, needing air to breathe.

Except away from Dawson, the air was suffocating.

“Please don’t go, Nolan,” Dawson’s voice shook as his hand gently grasped mine, stopping me.

My back to him, I sucked in a breath, trying to still my racing pulse and heart as I felt the heaviness of his words.

He almost sounded heartbroken.
