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"Hold on, Little Thief. Almost there."

His voice tugged at me from the darkness — a familiar low rumble against my cheek.

I tried to speak, but all that came out was a painful, rasping cough.

A metallic tang flooded my mouth, and the man pulled me tighter.

"They're almost here."

Here? Where was I?

I tried to think — to remember. But my thoughts were too hazy.

He held something cool to my lips, wiping at them, and I tried to look up at him — to see his face.

But even my eyes resisted.

All I could make out were silver eyes that glinted in the darkness … and a scar running down one cheek.

This man — I knew him. He …

A train whistled in the distance, and he let out a relieved sigh.

I winced as cool air stung my cheeks. Then his arms were lowering me, placing me on something hard and cold.

I tried to hold on — to remain in the warmth, but he slipped away.

No. Don't leave me.

I tried to speak the words, but my mouth wouldn't listen.

Something warm and gentle brushed my cheek …

"Hold on, Kaiya. Just a little longer."

And then he was gone.

This was wrong.

I tried to look for him, desperate. But as the world came into focus, the only things visible were the stars twinkling above.

A train whistle sounded again, then hurried footsteps approached.

Was he coming back?

A blinding light filled my vision and I squinted against it.

Then an unfamiliar face appeared above me, wide-eyed and mouth agape.

"Oh gods. I think it's Hunter Maderoth!" The sharp voice pierced my skull, and I winced.

"What's she doing all the way out here?"

A second face appeared beside the first, brow knit with concern.
