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What was going on?

"Lady Frexin's not going to be happy," the first man said, shaking his head. "You'd better get the doctor on your way to tell her."

The other man nodded and ran off.

I let my eyes close.

I was so tired …

"Kaiya!" Silk rustled as a woman settled beside me.

She smelled like machine oil and paper. Did I know her?

"Gods be damned," she said, voice tight, as she brushed at something on my cheek. "What were you thinking? This was just a reconnaissance mission!"

That's right. I was on a mission —

"Pardon, my lady," said another man. "I think you'll want to see this. We found it next to Miss Maderoth." His voice dropped. "I think it's a dead relic."

White eyes. Small hands clutching something. Then pain. So much pain.

The relic was here?! Oh gods.

I tried to sit up, but a blinding pain in my side left me gasping and coughing up more blood.

Thin hands forced me down.

"Where is that fucking doctor!" the woman screamed.

"Here, Lady Frexin!" said another through gasping breaths.

Cold fingers began prodding me, tugging at my waist and sending knife-like pains through my body.

I coughed out pleas to stop, weakly trying to push his hands away to no avail, until finally, the prodding stopped.

"What is it?" asked the woman.

"I’m sorry, my lady. The wounds are deep. Too deep. At least one of her organs is punctured, and she's lost too much blood …" His voice trailed off. "Perhaps if we had a skilled surgeon and an operating room … maybe she would have a chance. But not out here."

"NO!" she snapped. "There must be something you can do!"

"I'm sorry," the man said. "The kindest thing we can do now is make her comfortable. Let’s move her to the train or set up a fire to warm her. It won't be long now."

Fear pushed back the fog in my mind.

It wouldn't be long. Was he saying I was going to die?

No. I can't die yet! I — haven't fixed anything. I —

"NO!" the woman hissed, echoing my thoughts as she leaned in close.

She bit the tips of her gloves to help yank them off, tears glistening on her cheeks.

"Get back," she shouted. "All of you!"

Fear spread like a wave through my body.

I need more time …
