Page 100 of Bonds of the Forsaken

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"It's similar to what they use in the Capital. I worked —" I froze.

Was I really about to tell him I worked in the Capital and had contributed to their own hot water system before becoming an investigator, hunting mages?!

If it was their plan to get my guard down, it was working better than I'd anticipated. I needed to be more careful.

"— well, an acquaintance worked on the heating system for the palace, and they described something very similar to this."

The older man patted the pipe. "What I wouldn't give to see a system like that. It must be beautiful. This here is just a bunch of old pieces of metal welded together."

It looked pretty damn good to me. "Do you, by chance, have any other projects like this?"

"That I do." He nodded proudly. "Was that what you did on the mainland? Worked on machines?"

I shrugged. "It was more of a hobby than anything else. I started with rebuilding watches, then moved on to more complicated side projects, like an irrigation system for myself and a friend. Lately, I've been … working on a more elusive problem."

He grinned. "Well, I'd love to have you take a look at my work room one of these days! I've tried to recruit the pups in the pack, but none have a passion for machines, if you know what I mean?"

"I do." I immediately felt guilty for saying that, but I had to admit it was the truth. Was it wrong to share the same passion as a Forsaken? Kings above. How did Jaiel do this all the time — keeping up his role up while also keeping it separate from himself?

Patting my shoulder, Alpha Blackwood led the way to another massive open room.

Everyone sat along long tables arranged in the middle, and to the left was a wide, empty platform.

They kept calling this place a compound or a stronghold, but in reality, it seemed to be some kind of ancient temple they'd repurposed.

"You'll love our run tonight," he said, gesturing for me to sit between him and the older woman from before. She seemed to be a medic for their group, if that was such a thing here. "Perhaps I'll even take you to the metal yard. I've had the pups gathering pieces for the past decade. I make the angsty teenagers work the forges, melting the old stuff into something usable. Keeps them out of trouble — usually."

He chuckled, and I instinctively smiled back before catching myself.

I had to admit his invitation was intriguing, but it would never happen. I needed to find the witch and get out of here as soon as possible.

Clearing my throat, I prayed for a miracle and hoped the kings were listening, "The run sounds great, but I — well, I'm not able to shift at the moment."

He patted my shoulder. "Ahh. Bonding not consummated yet?"

Shocked at the easy answer, I grunted, hoping it would suffice.

"All you young'uns, trying to avoid the mate bond 'cause you want to choose for yourself," Corinne, said. "The mate bond knows better, though. Plus, it'll be the best sex of your life, let me tell ya. But does anyone listen to me? Nope." She leaned in and lowered her voice. "Just give in. It'll make er'thing easier. And what are you really giving up? I bet you feel more trapped now than you ever will after you give into her."

Alpha Blackwood grinned and shrugged. "Grammy says it, so it must be true."

I shifted uncomfortably, and he patted my shoulder again.

"Your shifting issue won't be a problem. You can just ride one of the diyres." He gestured toward the large stone door. "You'll get that bond consummated and be back to shifting before you know it. Maybe even before all the fun tomorrow night."

A plate clattered onto the table to my side, and Finn scooted between me and Corinne, all elbows.

"Here. I brought you some food, too. The beans are good, but the graiel meat is the best. Great-Grammy is the best cook around."

Corinne tsked and shook her head. "Oh stop. You're just try'n ta butter me up for more cake, aren't ya?"

Finn smiled from ear to ear. "Did it work?"

She laughed and nodded, ruffling his hair.

Something inside my chest tightened, and I resisted the urge to stand and walk out. I didn't want to see any of this.

Where were the monsters? Where were the broken families and burned-out homes?
