Page 101 of Bonds of the Forsaken

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The Empire said it was impossible to use your magic without turning, but these people certainly weren't wraiths, and there were no signs of the broken, fearful families that survived a mage who'd finally succumbed.

What did they do with those who turned? Or did they have some secret to keep themselves from turning?

More questions bit at me, but I didn't dare reach for the answers.

My mind spun, and my breath came faster. I was losing control of myself — my emotions. Something inside felt … wrong.

Fuck. What would Jaiel do?

He'd probably flirt with someone, but I wasn't good at that. I could calm myself, though. Perhaps if I imagined my work …

Forcing a slow, deep breath, I imagined the steady thrum of machines, the tick-tock of my watches, and the clicking of gears. That thing inside me settled once more, and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Enjoy the food. And there's no rush, Tye," Alpha Blackwood said, chuckling as he stood and placed his meal tray on a conveyor belt that carried it away.

Another of his inventions? I shook my head. I'd tried to convince King Crause to set up something like that years ago, but he'd always refused. Leave it to the strange Forsaken to do it first.

Alpha Blackwood turned back and motioned toward a large archway that split the opposite wall. "Meet us out front in 30 minutes. Finn can lead the way, and I'll have a diyre ready for you to ride."

I nodded, glad we would be hunting soon. The sooner we found the witch, the less time I'd have to spend with these … monsters?

Chapter 40


Istrode through the front of the stronghold and into the pale moonlight precisely 30 minutes later, little Finn at my side. A cool breeze brushed my face, and the sounds of running water were a balm to my raw nerves.

The moons in the east illuminated the small town in a haunting, cool light.

"It's beautiful, isn't it," he said.

I nodded. "You grew up here?"

"No. I lived in one of the outposts until my mom died. Gramps took me in since my Papa is out hunting all the time. Says I'm safer here."

"The island is a dangerous place," I said, nodding. "Makes sense."

The little boy shrugged, face tight. "It'll be better when I can fight, too. Then we'll be together all the time. Especially if I'm a dragon. Then I can kill all the monsters and keep everyone safe."

My chest tightened, and I pressed a hand to his shoulder. "You're still young. You should be playing with your friends and having fun, Finn. Not everyone gets to have a childhood like that." I certainly hadn't.

He looked like he was about to say something when the largest wolf I'd ever seen leaped out of the shadows, Alpha Blackwood at his side.

"You ready?" the old man asked.

I stared, dumbstruck. The creature's shoulders reached several feet above my own! "Is that — another mage?"

Finn laughed beside me as he reached out to pet the silky black fur. "No, silly! That's Shaide. He's one of the diyre. They help keep everyone safe."

"And carry stubborn pups who have lost their mates," Alpha Blackwood said, lips curled in a smile.

So, this was what he meant when he said I'd ride a diyre. But there was no way I was getting up on that creature's back!

The wolf bent low, and a warm gust of peat scented wind wrapped around me as he sniffed every inch of my body.

"Ah. Don't mind him. He's just making sure you're really pack. Won't carry someone who's not a body mage, the bastard," the older man said, chuckling.

My heart flipped.
