Page 114 of Bonds of the Forsaken

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His jaw clenched, and he stepped closer, dark hair falling forward as he closed the gap between us.

I had to look up to meet his gaze as something shifted in those blue depths.

"Is it, though?"

His hand lifted and gently tucked some hair that had come loose behind my ear.

I nodded, but my heart slammed against my ribs and my tongue felt inordinately heavy, as my core tightened, and I had to resist the urge to lean into him.

Memories of the way those fingers felt inside me made my breath skip.

His lips quirked at the corner, and he shook his head softly, gripping my chin.

"You are more than your fucking job, Princess. You're brave. You're kind. And you make my world a better place by being a part of it. That anyone has convinced you otherwise makes me sick."

Eyes burning, I stared up at him, at the openness and warmth in those blue eyes.

No. I couldn't let his words affect me.

He only said them because he hadn't been there. He didn't get to Gleyma until after everything was in motion. And he'd only heard the public story about Karemi. If he saw what I had in that desert town, he'd understand.

I had to do this. If I didn't, people would die.

But he was right in one way … I'd broken Frexin's cardinal rule, and the damn Fae prince had become a distraction. One I couldn't ignore any longer.

Knowing what I had to do, I slammed a lid onto my emotions and forced my face to go blank, ignoring the panicky feeling inside my chest at the thought of what I was about to do.

"You're overreaching, Prince Kierstall," I said, shoving him away. "You aren't my friend, my family, or even a lover … you're just a hypocrite who likes to poke your nose into other people's business while hiding behind a wall so thick even a dragon couldn't cross. And frankly, I'm tired of it. So, why don't you do me a favor and point that meddlesome attention of yours somewhere else?"

His expression fell, then darkened, and I forced myself to watch, searing the moment to my mind.

I did this. His pain was my fault.

If I'd done as I was supposed to and kept the distance between us, he'd be fine right now and I wouldn't have had to hurt him. Instead, I could practically see my words tearing him apart.

Forsaken hells!

"Excellent. I see you understand." My chest ached at the look in his eyes. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to wash up before the festival tonight."

Fists clenched at my side, I turned to my door.

He said nothing as I turned the knob and strode inside my room, but I could feel the pain in his stare.

Closing the door behind me, I strained to hold back tears as darkness pressed in around me.

Chapter 46


Shaide bounded through a break in the wall, then down to the stables. A man tried to stop us, but the diyre didn't slow.

Finally, he came to a stop and bent to the ground to let me off his back.

Climbing down, I scratched behind his ear and looked around at the busy street. I stood naked … in a crowded street … next to a giant wolf … yet not a single person batted an eye.

It was disconcerting, to say the least.

Finn poked his head out of the stalls, cheeks dusty and hair askew, as his expression fell. "Dang. I was hoping to go out looking for you." Shrugging, he ducked back inside and returned a few moments later with my clothes and weapon.
