Page 115 of Bonds of the Forsaken

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"Thanks," I said, quickly getting dressed.

"Grammy said to give you this, too." He passed me what looked like a small wineskin. "She said a few gulps will settle your nerves for a bit."

"A helpful potion this time. Thanks." I offered the boy a small smile.

He shook his head. "Watch out, though. Grammy said it's not perfect, so you need to keep your emotions in check — especially if your wolf is strong."

My stomach sank. How was I supposed to know if the wolf was strong?

"Emotions in check," I repeated, staring at the sloshing wineskin in my hand before stashing it in my pocket. "Got it. Please tell her thank you."

If this stuff actually worked, I'd need to learn the recipe and how to brew it myself, but one step at a time. First, I needed to test it out.

"Do you know where they brought the Fae man and blond woman?"

The boy squinted up at me, brow furrowed. "They're in the guest wing of the Great Hall, of course."

"And … where would that be?"

"Hmm —" His eyes darted to the stall he'd been working in, then back to me. "Well, it'll be faster if I show you. Everyone is setting up for the banquet, so the city is a mess right now, and you'd likely end up lost."

"Are you sure you aren't trying to get out of chores?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

He grinned cheekily, then bolted for the pyramid.

I stared after him, shaking my head. My entire body ached, and the boy wanted me to play chase?

"Hey, wait up!" I yelled, running after him.

How was he so fast? He was nearly three feet shorter, yet the gap between us only grew with each passing second!

It was embarrassing.

I finally reached the giant structure, gasping for air, and glared at the little boy.

He stood by the entrance, hands on his hips with a wide grin stretching from ear to ear. The kid wasn't even winded!

"What took you so long, slowpoke?" he asked, those eerily familiar eyes staring up at me.

"Slowpoke?" I huffed. "I'm not slow. You're just fast."

"That's what slowpokes say," Finn giggled. "Well, come on. The guest wing is this way."

Shaking my head, I followed him through the entryway, but as we passed the threshold, Finn collided into the back of a burly man almost my size.

The man let out a low grunt and rounded on us, face twisted in a wicked scowl.

Finn recoiled, and I quickly stepped in front of him, my hands raised and skin already tingling. "Sorry about that, friend. He was —"

"Holden!" Faera yelled from a table to my right, her eyes tight. "Alpha already had one talk with you today. Are you looking for another?"

Holden glared from Faera to us, then back to Faera. Finally, he growled low in his throat, then stalked past us and outside.

I nodded at the dark-haired woman. "Thank you."

"Sorry, Tye," Finn said, popping out from behind me. "I should have been paying attention."

"It's alright."
