Page 128 of Bonds of the Forsaken

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People sat around us, eating, drinking, and laughing, as their children chased each other happily between the rows of tables.

I took a seat just as my stomach let out a loud growl.

Jaiel cocked his brow. "A little hungry, Princess?"

I glared at him and took a bite of a green noodle salad.

"I've only eaten a sweet bun tonight," I said between bites. "And somehow I got roped into racing a bunch of insanely fast children while tied to a slow Fae!"

Jaiel scoffed, but I barely noticed as the cool flavors burst across my tongue. I let out a long sigh and relaxed back into my seat.

Gods. It felt like forever since I'd eaten an actual meal. Had it really only been two days ago that we'd eaten with Liam's family?

"You have to try this!" Finn said, rushing over and holding out a long orange twist of fried bread sprinkled with sugar. "It's my favorite!"

Smiling at him, I broke off a chunk and took a big bite.

The sugary sweet treat melted on my tongue instantly, and my eyes widened.

"That's amazing!" I said, licking my lips as I took another bite, and then another. "Which booth had those?"

Finn's smiled widened. "Grammy's. She only makes a few, though, so you have to visit her to get them right away."

"I'm guessing that means they're all gone?" Tye asked from my right.

The little boy nodded, and I sighed and looked down at my green noodles. They were delicious, but that pastry would live in my dreams.

"I maaaay have asked for more for you, though." Finn grinned as he reached behind his back and withdrew three more treats. He passed them out to me, Tye, and then Jaiel — toothy smile stretching from ear to ear.

"You didn't have to do that," Tye said, looking from the boy to the pastry.

The little boy just grinned. "I wanted to say thank you. Tonight has been the best festival ever!"

My heart twisted as I stared down at the sugary piece of dough, then back at the little boy.

"Thanks, kid," Tye said, his voice rough.

Jaiel took a big bite of his, then moaned. "Between Mrs. Harlsted and Grammy, here, I think I'm going to have to make my own harem!" He took another bite. "My heart has been captured by their delicious baking skills."

Groaning, I elbowed him in the side, and Finn burst into giggles.

Staring at the three of them, I had to admit that Finn was right. It truly had been a wonderful night.

But all wonderful nights had to end sometime, and we had work to do.

I cleared my throat, ignoring the pang in my chest.

"Your father will be back soon, and you haven't played with your friends at all, Finn," I said, with a soft smile. "Why don't you go find them before you have to leave? I bet they've been waiting for you."

His eyes widened, and he looked over at a group running through the rows as they yelled and tossed a yellow ball.

"You sure?" he asked. "You won't be lonely if I go?"

I shook my head and gestured at Jaiel and Tye. "You think we could be lonely when we have each other?"

He laughed and stood up. "Okay, then. Find me if you need anything. I know I'm still little, but I am strong."

Tye reached out and ruffled his hair. "Just have fun, Kiddo. And don't worry — someday you're going to be the strongest of us all!"
