Page 129 of Bonds of the Forsaken

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Grinning once more, Finn scampered off.

Jaiel turned those blue eyes on me and cocked a single brow. "So, I assume you sent him away because you have something to discuss?"

I let out a long breath and gestured toward the room. "This has been fun, but we really need to talk to Alpha Blackwood. We can't have another — situation — like the one earlier between me and Tye."

Tye growled and took another bite of his pastry.

"From the bits I've read," I continued. "There's no getting rid of mate bonds — even the strongest bond mages couldn't cut them." I didn't want to continue, but I knew they needed to hear the rest. "The bond is getting stronger, though. And if we don't figure it out, the draw between Tye and I will continue to grow and grow, until we have no choice but to —" I avoided Tye's gaze. "— consummate the bond."

Tye growled softly and took another swig of his potion. "Absolutely not. This potion should help stave it off until we're able to figure things out." Lifting it to eye level, he stared inside. "I may need to ask her for a refill soon, though. It doesn't seem to go far."

"Exactly," I said, gesturing to the wineskin. "And we can't rely on that forever."

"So, what do you suggest?" Tye asked, voice rough.

I looked around, then leaned closer. "We need to talk to Alpha Blackwood. He seemed to have an idea of a plan, at least. And if he can't help — I think our best bet is back in the Capital. Lady Frexin has an entire library on magic from before The Fall. I'm positive she'd be willing to let us look —"

Jaiel's jaw tightened, and even Tye's face hardened, but before they could respond, a loud clanging noise interrupted, drawing our attention to the large doors the alpha and Japhire had walked through earlier.

Both men appeared upset as they strode into the room, which was not a comforting sight.

"Where's Finn?" I asked, standing to get a better view, conversation from before forgotten.

There. Over by the entrance —

Japhire was waving to him, and the little boy rushed to his father, excitement lighting his face. The grizzled man motioned toward the door and shooed Finn through it, whispering something in his ear to make him laugh as he ran.

Finn shot an excited look toward our table and waved goodbye before dashing outside.

Okay. He'd be okay.

I pressed my hand to my chest and turned my attention back to Japhire. He was making his way to the front of the room with a determined expression on his face that gave me an odd sense of foreboding.

He was Finn's father, though, and obviously Alpha Blackwood wouldn't let the boy go if he didn't trust the man.

Besides, none of this was my business. They had their lives and I had mine.

We just needed those answers, and then I could be off on my mission.

Whistles and a loud cheer drew my attention back to Japhire. He'd moved to stand atop a table, and was gesturing for everyone to quiet.

Alpha Blackwood stood nearby, arms crossed as Faera leaned in to whisper something in his ear. The older man shrugged, attention fully on his son.

Chapter 51


Japhire looked around the room for a moment, letting everyone quiet, then cleared his throat.

"We are the Wolf Shifters," he said, voice calm and steady. "Strong. Proud. Kind. The only body mages to survive the horrors of the Isle for all these years — and more than that, we THRIVED. What began as a few dozen survivors of The Fall now numbers in the hundreds. The spirit mages are gone, the Berserkers have all but gone mad in their isolation on that mountain, and the so-called dragon riders? Well, they're a mere shadow of their former selves. But WE have thrived. WE are the only ones strong enough to survive in this new world."

A few people nodded, and others let out a little cheer.

"Or at least we used to be," he continued, running his finger down the cut on his cheek. "But the pack has grown weak — like a bunch of pups, charging recklessly toward the cliff's edge."

The hall went silent.

I looked to Alpha Blackwood, but he watched Japhire, shaking his head, as if knowing what was coming.
