Page 140 of Bonds of the Forsaken

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Pipes? We spun to see where he was pointing. My brow arched at the sight of dozens of wide pipes climbing the wall directly behind us and leading to the rafters.

How had I not seen those?

"Maybe." Jaiel's eyes narrowed. "But wouldn't they break off the wall?"

"Not necessarily," Alpha Blackwood interjected. "They're strong. I bolted them into the stone myself. We might not make it, but I'm sure she could." He gestured toward me.

It just might work.

I'd need a boost up to them, but if I made it there, I could climb up until I reached the ceiling. Then, it was just a matter of crossing rafters until I got to the relic — so long as it didn't see me.

"I'll need someone to distract the relic while I get close," I said. "And I only have one dagger on me."

"You really do carry that thing everywhere with you, don't you?" Jaiel asked, chuckling softly.

"Always," I smirked.

"Absolutely not," Tye growled, his wolf flashing in his eyes. "What if you miss, and it attacks you? You need to stay here with us — where you're safe."

A loud rumble shook the door, a crack splitting the smooth white stone. Whatever was out there, it was only a matter of time before it got in.


Gritting my teeth, I squared my shoulders and faced the wall. "Unless you have a better idea, this is our only option. Now shut up and lift me up to the pipes."

He snarled with frustration, but gripped my hips, his fingers warm and unexpectedly gentle.

"Wait!" Jaiel passed over a leather belt from his waist. "You took basic training, right, Princess? Use this. It should be just like climbing those poles in camp."

I nodded. "You just keep that fucker distracted."

Tye tightened his grip. "Be careful up there, Witch. The two of us still have unfinished business."

"Yes, yes," I hissed, trying not to think about that damn mate bond that tugged me towards him even now. "Now, can we get to work, please?"

He growled, but lifted me to where the horizontal and vertical pipes met.

Pulling myself up the rest of the way, I wedged my feet onto a horizontal pipe for support, then grabbed the next vertical pipe with one hand and pulled out the belt.

Thank the gods for Jaiel's quick thinking. There was no way I could have made it up without it.

I hadn't wanted to say anything, but I'd always been terrible at those damn poles.

Tye stepped back to join the others, and I focused on sliding the belt behind the pipe. Wrapping both ends around my hands, I let out a slow breath and began shimmying my way up, just like I'd been taught.

I'd be fine. This wasn't that different from rock climbing.

"Let's go, boys," Alpha Blackwood called out behind me. "Keep 'em distracted, but try not to kill anyone, please."

I couldn't spare a glance, but the sounds of hollering and the thwacks of furniture hitting angry wolves gave me a pretty good idea of what was happening as I continued to climb.


Sweat ran down my body as I moved up, inch by inch, pausing only to readjust the belt around the periodic wall bracket, and I quickly remembered exactly why I hated those poles.

Half-way up, the noise of battle was punctuated by shattering glass, and I stole a quick glance over my shoulder to see Tye, Jaiel, and Alpha Blackwood tossing plates, cups, and other objects toward the relic as they taunted it and fought back mad wolves.

The monster dodged the projectiles easily, flying from rafter to rafter, letting out an occasional irritated squawk.
