Page 141 of Bonds of the Forsaken

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It was ridiculous, but their distraction was working …

I was almost to the top, and and the horrific creature still hadn't noticed me.

Thank the gods!

By the time I reached the top, my hands and arms burned from the effort, and my entire body ached. It had been far too long since I'd done any serious climbing, and shimmying up the pole required very different muscles.

Forcing my breathing to slow, I searched for the nearest rafter about a foot away. I took a shaky breath, then leaned out to grab it.

The relic's caw sounded to my right, and I froze.

Fear skated along my spine as I shrank back, clinging to the pipe, waiting for it to dig its claws into me. Memories of the last time flitted through the back of my mind, trying to take over.

But the beast flew by, angry white eyes trained on the group of men below. The wolves — all of them — circled the men, and the throng was tightening in on the group with every passing second.

The trio's distraction act had turned into a fight for survival as wolves snapped from all sides.

Fuck! I had to go faster.

I reached out for the rafter, stretching as far as I could — but my grip on the pipe slipped. Heart in my throat, I threw myself toward the wooden beam, scrambling to cling to the rough wood.

Breathing fast, I pulled myself up, careful to ignore the way my fingers burned or stone floor far, far below me.

It wasn't really any worse than the cliffs I'd climbed back home, I told myself. I could do this.

All the people below were counting on me.

Forcing my breath to slow, I picked a jump spot on the next rafter and leapt, then leapt to the rafter after that, and then the one after that.

Until, finally, I made it to the middle.

The bird's attention was fixed on the chaos below as the wolves closed in tighter around Jaiel, Tye, and Alpha Blackwood. And I could practically feel the glee emanating from that feathered monster.

Two wolves jumped onto Jaiel's back, and fear clogged my throat as I fought not to cry out.

He tore at them, but one had already latched his jaws onto his injured shoulder.

I stared, frozen in horror, as he struggled to shake them off — and failed.

His gaze lifted to mine as he fell to his knees, and I bit my tongue to stop myself from screaming.

Blood flooded my mouth as Jaiel motioned towards something over my shoulder, and my body went numb.


The relic slammed into the back of my head, sending me stumbling forward. I dove for the next beam, landing hard on my chest — the impact knocking the wind from my lungs.

Above me, the relic screeched in rage and landed on my back, tearing at me with its talons.

Memories slammed into me — warm blood coating my fingers, a sharp tearing from within my side, those white eyes staring into my own —

No. I forced the thoughts away.

These people were relying on me! This was my chance to do things differently.

I couldn't lose my focus now.

Digging my nails into my palms to center myself, I slammed my elbow back and into the fucking beast as hard as I could.
