Page 154 of Bonds of the Forsaken

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"Then …" I prompted him, stomach dropping.

"Then she decided to go after the Reaper, or Lady Frexin, as you call her," he said, voice soft.


"I told her you'd want to go along, but she said she didn't think you would."

My stomach lurched.

"She went after Frexin, alone?"

"Tye went along, too." He reassured me. "She thinks the Reaper won't hurt her, but I have to say … I've never known the Reaper to be anything but merciless."

My chest tightened more.

Fuck! We'd known there was more to Lady Frexin than met the eye, but even Dimiri didn't know it went this far.

Was Tye enough to protect her if things went poorly?

"Where did they go?" I ground out.

He cocked his brow. "I'm positive I heard you tell her to stay away from you … that you didn't want anything to do with her, or her messing with your bond."

My stomach lurched.

He was right. As long as she was safe, this was exactly what I'd hoped for. She'd be safe from me, at least, and I wouldn't have to see that look in her eyes when she learned the truth.

But what if she wasn't okay?

Bile rose in my throat. Could I just stand by and let her die because I was scared?

The voices of my past screamed in my mind, begging me to stay away — to stay hidden and safe.

Frexin didn't know I was a Rogue. I could return to the Capital and take up my old job without anyone the wiser …

But could I really go back to that? To my life as a double agent, with days full of parties, sex, and seeking society's approval?

Dimiri needed to know about Frexin, but beyond that, what was my purpose back there anymore?

My time with Kaiya made it all seem so pointless and empty.

When I was with her, it felt right — even when it was painful. Like I was a part of something …

But it was only a matter of time before she saw what I was and left me.

Just like everyone else.

Could I truly throw everything away and go after her, knowing that?

That dream surged in my mind again, along with the desperation I'd felt at knowing I'd lost her forever.

"Where is she?" I ground out.

"With those wounds, you won't make it," Alpha Blackwood said, those brown eyes hard.

I gritted my teeth and tried again. "Where IS she?"

"You're probably too late. Let it go," he growled. "She'd want you to survive."
