Page 155 of Bonds of the Forsaken

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I slipped off the diyre and stalked up to the man. My fingers clasping around his neck before I could even think.

Shadows danced on his skin, eager to consume his essence, if I let them.

"Where. Is. My. Mate?"

The older man's eyes softened, and his lips curled into a grin. "You may have some wolf in you, yet, Prince Jaiel Kierstall. The airship was heading toward the Forlorn Grove, and beyond that, the Heartless Basin."

I released the man and stepped back. Dozens of shifters glared at me, ready to attack, but Alpha Blackwood just laughed, the sound rich and full of mirth.

"Ride Shaide," he said. "He's fast and can take you as far as the forest's edge. Seems like you have your pack to save."

I nodded and turned to the diyre.

The bond to Kaiya tugged at me. Something was wrong, and I had to get to her before it was too late!

Chapter 59


Ilooked up and stared as the airship retreated further into the sky for safety. They wouldn't return until we gave the signal that we'd found the relic.

We were alone in this clearing between the Forlorn Grove and the Heartless Basin, far from any backup or safety.

But everything was fine.

It wasn't like every fucking step of the journey had been a struggle. Between the mythical Guardian trying to burn me to death, hordes of wraiths almost eating me, a genocidal relic killing half a village because of me, and my mentor turning out to be a heartless monster … standing at the edge of a forest where hundreds of agents before me had failed and died was nothing in comparison.

Yes. Everything was totally fine.

An unhinged giggle bubbled inside my chest as I yanked at the shackles around my wrists and glared at the crowd of mechs, collared mages, and wolf shifters who were supposed to provide protection while we searched for this mysterious creature. Not that they'd provided me any when I'd asked for it atop the ship.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath to halt my hysteria. Now was not the time to lose my shit.

I had to focus if Tye and I had any hope of surviving.

Then I would find a way to kill that evil bitch … and maybe … just maybe, that would offset the hurt I'd caused, if only a little.

Turning, I glared toward the asshole leader of the group.

"Hey, a little help here," I called out, shaking the restraints, so they clinked loudly.

Holden spat something to the ground, then turned to face me. "Hello again, bitch," he growled as he pulled out a set of keys. "How lovely to see you. Now, don't go and forget your place. Remember what Frexin said? During this hunt, I am your Alpha, and your actions determine whether your mate lives or dies."

I instinctively touched the bond, and anxiety twisted in my gut.

I pushed it down. I couldn't afford to think about that now. My entire focus had to be on the mission and the mission alone if I had any hope of success.

Frexin's briefing files talked about the dangers, and Liam had echoed the same warnings.

I yelped as Holden yanked my hands up sharply. With a glare he unlocked the cuffs, then did the same for the collar around my neck.

My magic came flooding back in, and I inhaled sharply at the welcome feeling. It had only been a few hours, but it felt like years. That damn collar was a million times worse than my ring.

I glanced at the collared mages walking around and felt a small twinge of pity for them, despite their role doing Frexin's dark works.

They had to live with that suffocating sensation every minute of every day.

Holden spat at something on the ground, then turned to walk away, arms swinging at his sides.
