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I choked and slammed my hand over his mouth, cheeks hot. We were not going to talk about that with Eli's sister!

Jaiel took the opportunity and slid his arm around my shoulder, with a smug grin.

"Anyways," I said quickly, dropping my hand and attempting to push away from Jaiel. "What did your friend want?"

The prince held tight, long fingers caressing my shoulder and sending a shiver down my spine.

Mirrim looked between us, brows raised. "He uh — needed me to pass this box on for the meeting." She gestured the way we'd come.

"No problem." Jaiel twisted a strand of my hair between his fingers. "I'll show Kaiya around while you're gone."

Mirrim's lips curled into a grin. "Okay, then. If you're sure?"

I wasn't at all sure. But if that box would help with the meeting, I couldn't exactly keep her back.

"Thank you!" she yelled, and then she was off, running with her friends back through the village.

The second she was out of sight, I shoved an elbow into Jaiel's side.

He let out a soft chuckle as he stumbled back. "I think you like me more than you'll admit, Princess …"

That didn't even deserve a response.

Shooting him a withering glare, I turned to the wall.

Work. I needed to focus on the work.

"How's your monster reacting to all this?" I asked, gesturing to the ooze covering everything.

He stepped past me, rolling up his sleeves as he approached the crumbled stone, and let out a considering hum.

I waited and watched as his blue eyes began bleeding black at the edges.

"It's definitely agitated with these traces of the wraith around," he said. "More so than I'd usually expect. But maybe that's because I haven't been able to refill my charisma in a while."

"You better get that fixed before we go," I said, voice stern. "I've heard what happens when you don't take care of it, and the last thing we need is your shadow going rogue and consuming non-corrupted, too."

He looked over his shoulder with a considering grin. "Are you sure you don't want to help me with that problem tonight … for the mission, of course?"

My stomach heated at the thought, but I ignored it. We didn't need that complication to be piled on top of the current mess.

"I've heard how that goes, and I want no part in it."

Jaiel's smirk broke and his blue eyes widened for a moment, shadows flickering at the edges.

Were his feelings hurt?

Before I could apologize, though, he stepped in closer. "Sounds like you've heard a lot." His lips curled into a smug smile and the shadows disappeared from his eyes. "Am I really such a common conversation piece? Or do you just ask about me often?"

I rolled my eyes. "The only time I think about you is when I'm sharpening my dagger, asshole."

He chuckled softly and turned to look at the wall again. "You don't have to worry about my charisma, Princess. After we meet with Liam tonight, I'll head to the tavern and woo a lucky companion. Problem solved."

Another irritating pang of jealousy stabbed through my chest, and I winced.

Stupid. He was literally doing what I'd asked!

Shaking my head, I forced a wink. "Isn't that a slow night for you? I'd think you'd need a few partners to refill that well of yours."
