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For the second time that day, it almost seemed like something resembling pain flashed in his eyes, but it was gone and replaced by a smug grin too quickly to be sure.

"What can I say?" He shrugged. "I'm a scandalous rake through and through."

I smiled, ignoring the lump in my throat.

"You guys!" Mirrim came skidding to a halt in front of us, her eyes wide with excitement. "We need to get to the town hall. The council broke out into a fight. It would seem my brother has chosen to accept his betrothal!"

A sharp pain cut through my mid-section.


Chapter 27


Eli was betrothed? No. Liam was betrothed.

I rubbed my chest, pushing away the strange pain there.

I mean, a betrothal made complete sense for him and his people. He was attractive enough, and a decent man … outside of letting me think he was dead for two years.

But — I just —


That pain surged again. How could there still be some part of me that cared?

No. Fuck him.

I pushed the pain away and clenched my fists.

Mirrim and Jaiel were already moving, and I chased after them, biting my tongue to keep myself from asking more. Liam could do what he wanted, and it was none of my business.

I was going along to help Mirrim and learn more about the dangers on the Isle. That's it.

We'd been running through alleys for a good ten minutes when a man burst through a set of double doors carved into the red cliff-side on our left.

He was grumbling loudly beneath his long, curling black hair and beard, and was followed closely by an elderly man, gray brows creased with concern.

"Gorley," the older man pleaded. "Come back inside. We need to stand united, if he's to listen."

Gorley stopped and spun, arms akimbo. "It's no use," he spat. "What's the point in holding a council meeting if he's going to ignore everything we say?"

"I agree, but running out doesn't help. Stay. Be another voice of reason."

Gorley's jaw clenched. "Face it, Dunny. Even if this betrothal doesn't destroy our village, sooner or later another of his terrible decisions will. That man seems determined to fly our people into the ground. He's a terrible leader and —" the red-faced man's words fell away as his gaze met Mirrim's.

"Hells," he said, shaking his head. "I need some space. Let Samryla know I went for a walk to cool off." Turning, he stormed down the street.

Dunny smiled weakly at Mirrim, then nodded to us before turning back to the building.

"Damnit, Liam," Mirrim muttered under her breath, gesturing for us to follow as she strode through the doorway. The words "City Hall" were carved into the stone above.

"You okay, Princess?" Jaiel asked, holding the door for me.

I forced a smile and nodded, stepping quickly past him. I was fine. Curious. And maybe a little emotionally unstable. But fine.

Cool air blasted my face as we stepped into a long, tall hall. Perhaps I'd made a mistake leaving my cloak with that little dragonling.
