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My jaw dropped. "You — you were assigned to watch over me?"

"Indeed." She nodded. "An order straight from the top. We were told to keep an eye on you — the daughter of another agent working deep undercover."

"Holy hells. My mother was a Rogue? And you knew her?"

I had no memories of my mother — just some vague memory of a nursery with white walls.

Did Aunt Grace know all this? I'd asked her about my parents several times, but she always claimed to know very little. Just that my mother vanished many years ago, only to show up on her doorstep a decade later with six-year-old me in tow and a desperate request to keep me safe. A few weeks later, she was found dead on a beach south of Gleyma — the cause of death unclear.

"We never actually met her," Mr. Harlsted said, shaking his head. "But she was a legend among the Rogues, so we heard stories. We can ask around for more information about her, if you'd like?" His brows tightened. "The head of the Rogues on the Isle is a secret-ish type, so I've never had the privilege of meeting him, but I'm sure we can contact him through our channels."

I smiled, chest tight.

"Liam said you were coming back to help with the dragons?" He continued. "We'll try to have more information by then."

"I'd appreciate that," I said, voice rough. "Aunt Grace, too. She's never said much, but I know my mother's death was hard for her."

"Of course, dear," Mrs. Harlsted said, patting my shoulder. "How is your aunt? We heard she lost the use of her legs that night …"

A pang of guilt stabbed through my stomach. She'd practically been my mother all those years, but after she'd been injured, it had hurt to even be in the same room, and I hadn't visited nearly enough.

After all, it had been my fault.

Chest tight, I nodded. "She's adapted well. She's about to get married."

"Married?" Mrs. Harlsted asked, brown eyes going wide. "Who's the lucky man?"

"Funny story actually." I smiled. "He was her physiotherapist — just showed up one day, and started helping her, free of charge. Claimed he was repaying a blood debt, and wouldn't say more. Dr. Lorenson is his name."

I'd spent a good amount of time and money trying to find out more about the man and that debt. But he was very private, and I'd found nothing to make me question his motives.

"I've only met him a few times," I continued. "But he seems to be a good man. And if my aunt trusts him, she won't accept anything less from me."

"Lorenson? Now, where do I know that name from?" Mr. Harlsted said to himself.

Mrs. Harlsted elbowed him, and he returned his focus to me, grinning sheepishly. "Sorry, Kiddo. She was always a wonderful woman, and it broke our hearts to hear she was injured. I'm happy she's found someone, though, and has moved on from all that pain. After your uncle passed, it was hard on her and — well, she deserves some happiness."

"Thank you," I said, tearing up slightly.

Mrs. Harlsted stepped forward. "No. Thank you, dear. You've always been the daughter we never had. Be safe out there, okay?" She held her arms out tentatively and I stepped into them, eyes burning as her familiar strength wrapped around me. "We look forward to seeing you again."

"Me, too!" Mr. Harlsted said, stepping up, adding his warmth to the hug. My chest tightened, and I had to resist the urge to stay and never leave.

"Princess, you ready to go?" Jaiel asked, voice warm.

I stepped out of the hug, nodding and wiping wetness from my cheeks.

"And don't forget to eat!" added Mr. Harlsted. "We know how you get when you're focused."

I laughed before turning away. It was strange. I usually dreaded the end of a mission, but for once, I was almost looking forward to getting it over with and coming back.

Letting out a long breath, I passed Jaiel one of the snack packs, then strode toward Mirrim.

She stood just outside the stables, the reins of two horse-like creatures held loosely in her hands. They lifted their feathered heads as one, single horns reaching proudly toward the skies as they stared at me.

Then, as if satisfied by what they saw, they shook out their wings and trotted forward.

"Fleirals?" My heart skipped. I hadn't seen one since Gleyma. "Don't tell me you have jukis, too!"
