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Mirrim grinned as they reached my side, and passed me the reins to the deep blue mount. "No jukis, unfortunately."

The blue fleiral nudged my outstretched hand with his snout, careful to avoid hitting me with his horn, and I couldn't hold back my grin. "I have to admit, I've never actually ridden one before. Just horses," I said, rubbing his feathered snout slowly, pausing only for him to sniff me. "What's your name, big guy?"

"Jax," Mirrim said, voice warm.

Cautiously, I ran my hand down his feathery mane. "You are beautiful, Jax. Could you fly with someone on your back?"

Jax let out an arrogant huff, then pawed at the ground.

"Greedy, greedy," Jaiel teased, mounting a bright pink fleiral to my left. "Riding these rare, beautiful creatures isn't enough. You want them to fly you around, too?"

"I was just curious," I huffed, rubbing Jax's snout apologetically.

"You know, Princess," Jaiel snorted. "I have something you can ride, and it will definitely take you to new heights."

I shot a glare at him over my shoulder. "You've already used that one."

He just shrugged and laughed.

Gods. He just couldn't let the chance for an innuendo pass, could he?

Pointedly ignoring him, I pulled myself up into the saddle in a single smooth motion, enjoying the way the leather shaped itself to fit me.

A strange shiver passed down my spine, and when I looked up, Liam stood there, dark hair mussed as though he'd been up all night, jaw slack with surprise at Gram's side.

When had they come down here? Was he finally going to apologize?

As if realizing he'd been caught gawking, he slammed his jaw shut and crossed his arms. "You ride?"

Gram rolled her eyes and offered me a conspiratorial smile.

Fine. He could be a cold fish. I didn't care anyway.

Stuffing away my feelings, I offered him an exaggerated wink and grabbed the reins. "Come on, lordling, you think I've learned nothing in the past two years? Of course I know how to ride."

Gram chuckled, and Liam said nothing, staring at me with those emotionless green eyes.

I pointedly ignored him and turned to her. "Thank you for everything, Mrs. Westin. Your home is lovely, and I'm excited to return."

"Oh no. None of that. It's still Gram to you, dear." Smirking, she elbowed Liam. "Hopefully grumpy-wing over here will find his manners while you're gone."

Liam's jaw tightened. But that was the only sign he'd even heard her.

I turned to Mirrim. "And thank you for showing me around. You were the loveliest tour guide."

Her bright green eyes widened in surprise. "Thank you!" She dipped her head. "It was wonderful to finally meet you!"

"Okay, okay. Enough with all the sentiment," Liam said, voice stiff. "They need to get going so they can return. We do have a deal, right?"

I nodded, swallowing the other words bubbling inside me.

He stepped forward, and for a moment, he looked like he was about to say something more, but he patted Jax's mane instead. "Safe travels."

"Stay safe," Jaiel and I said at the same time. We looked at each other, both visibly cringing.

Gods. Why were goodbyes always so awkward? I far preferred just leaving before anyone woke up. They'd be sad for a bit, but it was better than these ridiculous long, drawn out ceremonies with everyone waving and saying sweet things.

Shaking it off, I tapped Jax's sides, and waved as we started moving, Jaiel close behind me.
