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Acool cloth rested against my forehead, and I opened my eyes to see a kind-looking older woman looking down at me. Wrinkles creased her cheeks, eyes, and lips, and she grinned, revealing a full set of bright white teeth.

I sat up, reaching for my ax, but it was gone. Sharp pain shot through my skull, and I winced.

"Get Faera and Alpha!" she shouted. "The newcomer has woken."

Did she have to be so loud? And where was I?

Worn stone walls surrounded me on all sides, and nothing was remotely familiar.

I pressed my fingers into my skull and closed my eyes, trying to remember what had happened.

I was on the beach when … fucking hells! Some asshole knocked me out!

"What's your name, boy?" the woman asked. She seemed friendly enough, but she was likely Forsaken.

Gods. Not only had I lost my ax, now I wasn't even sure where I was on the Isle. There wasn't even a shred of my plan left!

I looked at the old lady and the unfamiliar surroundings. She didn't seem threatened by me, at least, and that may be my only chance for surviving this mess. I would have to conceal my identity and pretend to be harmless … like a gremlyn tricking the hounds.

Kings alive, though — I was not good at deception. That was more of the Fae prince's skill set. I was more of a "fight now, ask questions later" type.

Surely it wasn't that hard, though. I just needed to be … friendly. That's what he always seemed to do, at least.

I tried to speak, but all that came out was a croak, so I cleared my throat and tried again. "Tyelire, ma'am." My voice was gravelly, but at least understandable. "But most people just call me Tye. Ah, do you know what happened to me back there, by chance?"

There. That was friendly. Wasn't it?

She hummed softly. "My idiot grandson, that's what. He's still angry about losing his challenge for leadership again. I'm sure he knew you weren't a threat and decided to knock you out anyway to get out some anger. He's got a temper, that one."

Shaking her head, she wrung out the cloth and set it to the side. "We both know better, though, don't we? Even as a stranger to this pack, you wouldn't hurt your own kind. Especially not after they saved you." She nodded to herself. "Speaking of. What were you thinking?!? Surely your ma taught you better than to explore unshielded?" Her eyes narrowed and she wagged a finger in my face. "You're lucky Alpha happened on you! From what I hear, them wraiths would have gotten you if they'd been a few minutes later. Those twisted ones like our magic a bit too much if you ask me …" She shook her head. "But back to the question — why weren't you shielding? When I was young, if a man was foolish enough to —"

My head spun as she rambled on.

My own kind? The wraiths were drawn to my magic?

That potion was worth far more than I paid if these shifters were able to mistake me as a body mage and trust me for it.

I rubbed the sore spot on my skull.

Well, most of them. One had seen through me.

Perhaps I could get the information I needed before the potion wore off and they found out I was an impostor …

"How long have I been out?"

"Just a few hours," she said, shaking her head before standing to tidy the room.

I'd need to be both quick and cautious. How long would the potion last?

"And don't think I'll forget about that shielding issue. There's no way you'd go your whole life without knowing —"

A rustling in the hallway drew my attention and stopped the older woman mid-sentence.

"Ahh. That would be Alpha Blackwood," she said, smiling as she gathered her supplies. "He'll be able to help you. Don't worry." She patted me twice on the head and shuffled out.

I stared, mouth agape. When was the last time someone dared pat me on the head?
