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The older white-haired man from before cleared his throat and moved to stand next to my bed. He was tall and lean, with short white hair and a smile that reached all the way up to his brown eyes.

It was a deceptively welcoming smile for a gods forsaken monster.

"Ahh. Sorry about that," he chuckled. "She's like that with everyone."

I twisted my lips into what I hoped resembled a smile. "I understand."

"I apologize for my son back there," he continued, shifting on his feet. "He — well, he got a little overzealous. He should never have hurt you after I promised safety."

I forced my smile to widen and shrugged. My anger at the fellow was cooling, and honestly, I didn't blame the other man. In his position, I'd have done the same thing. Plus, he was Forsaken, so fits of violence were to be expected.

"Thank you for taking me in," I said, voice raspy as I moved to stand. "But unfortunately, I need to leave. There's a woman that I need to find …"

The man grinned and nodded as he held a hand out to stop me.

"Of course. Corinne said she heard you muttering in your sleep. The Witch, I believe you called her. Your mate?"

My cheeks heated. While awake, I hated the woman with every fiber of my being, but in my sleep, her dark magic twisted my mind into dreaming of protecting her, embracing her … and worse. I shuddered.

That woman — my mate?! Forsaken mages, he couldn't be more wrong.

"I believe we can help with your mate, and your shielding, if you stick around," he continued, undeterred by my silence. "Tomorrow night is our annual banquet to celebrate the end of the solstice festival. I'm sure you and your mate will love it. All kinds of delicious food, dancing, and music. Most of the shifters on the island will be there! But of course, you're free to leave at any time." He gestured toward the door.

The idea of letting them think that woman was my mate made my stomach hurt, but I kept repeating my mantra in my head —

What would Jaiel do?

He'd certainly not reveal himself so soon. I was supposed to blend in, and growling about Witches cursing me drove people away. No. If I couldn't just come out and say that, I'd have to go along with the sickening lie.

"Do you all live here?" I asked, changing the subject. If I could gather intel on them, perhaps we could mount some sort of mission to bring them all to the Capital. Surely the kings wouldn't rest with so many Forsaken roaming free, even if it was on the Isle.

His brown eyes lit up, and his lips curled into a smile. "Not all of us. At the moment, we're more full than usual. The different shifter strongholds say they come every year to vote for the pack leader, but I think what really brings them out of the pipeworks is the food and festivities. Have you come to join in?"

I could lie about it. But I knew nowhere near enough about these people or this society to pull that off. A modified version of the truth would have to do.

"I've actually just arrived from the mainland."

His eyes widened. "The mainland? How spectacular! Well, welcome to the Isle, my boy! We'll help you and your mate get situated however you'd like."

"I — we'd appreciate any help you can offer," I said, trying not to cringe at the repeated use of the M word. "Though I'm afraid I don't have much to repay you with."

He slapped a hand on my shoulder and grinned. "No need. We take care of our own here."

I sat there, stunned for a moment. He seemed genuinely happy to help a complete stranger.

Not that it mattered.

This was a gods-forsaken mage. And a body one, at that.

Sure, he seemed normal, but the gods only knew how long that would last. One day, he'd be spending time with his family, and the next, he'd be doing his best to consume their flesh.

I'd seen it repeatedly across the Empire.

A small boy rushed into the room, tray held aloft in his hands, a playful smile tugging at his lips. He looked like a miniature version of the older man.

"Tyelire, meet my grandson — Finn."

The little boy grinned up at me, then leaned closer and sniffed. He stepped back and looked up, and my stomach twisted.
