Page 103 of Broken Parts Included

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“Well, why didn’t you ask her?”

“Because… I don’t know!” Lydia was becoming vexed, and she couldn’t put a finger on exactly why. “Look, I need to get to work.”

Sensing Lydia was done talking, Cathy simply nodded. Unable to look her friend in the eye, Lydia made a hasty retreat. More than happy, she would get to spend all day taking tour groups around the museum. That would keep the demons quiet for a little while.

Lydia worried her lip as she sat in the staff room, tea in one hand, phone in the other. Halle messaged, asking if Lydia was free tonight. That was a good thing, right? Clearly, Halle wasn’t done with her just yet. But maybe Lydia should create a bit of distance. Slow things down a little. Jesus, any slower between you two and you’ll start going backwards.

Responding, Lydia asked if they could take a rain check until the following evening. Nothing good would come of Lydia seeing Halle tonight, not when her head was playing silly buggers. See, this is why she’d decided not to date for a while. Why has she gone back on that? Clearly, Lydia needed more time to sort her shit out before she was ready to… God, she’d said all this to herself before. She was going round in circles.

Okay, today needed to end. Lydia needed sleep. That would help clear the mud. She hoped.

Monty yipped excitedly as soon as Lydia stepped through the door. Why was the kitchen light on, and what was that smell? Dropping her bag, and kind of wishing she knew self-defence, Lydia creeped down the hall. Huh, Halle was right, the carpet really sucked all the sound up.

Speaking of Halle. “Um… hi?”

Wheeling round, spoon in hand, Halle smiled brightly. “I’m not here.”

“Then I’m having some sort of episode.” In the pit of her stomach, Lydia felt the knot she’d had all day loosen. That was a recurring thing, too. Halle’s presence soothed her. What a conundrum. Being near Halle both helped and hindered Lydia’s equilibrium.

“No, I mean, obviously I am here, but I’m not.”

“Halle, have you been drinking?”

Chuckling, Halle set the spoon down on the worktop, fiddling with the gas hob before turning to give Lydia her full attention. “I know you wanted to rain check tonight, and I heard you, I promise. But—”

“But?” Lydia cocked a brow.

“Lydia, you have no food! I found that out this morning when I was making breakfast. I looked in your freezer for some hash browns and I was stunned. You have one frozen broccoli floret. I mean, how? I tried okay, to you know, forget about it, but I couldn’t. What the hell have you been living on?”

“Wow,” Lydia laughed, taken aback by Halle’s tirade.

“I thought I could cook you a few things to freeze. That’s why I’m here like a crazy person, even though you told me you needed space.”

“Uh huh.”

“That’s not right? I messed up, didn’t I. Yeah, I did. I should have waited. Shit. Um, okay, let me just clear this up. Um, you get on with your evening, and pretend I’m not visible. I’ll slip out as soon as I’m done.”


“Sorry, Lyds. Jesus, what a prat.” Halle was muttering to herself now. Unable to watch Halle berate herself, Lydia did what felt natural. Closing the gap, she slipped her hands around Halle’s neck and kissed her with everything she had.

Once again, it was as if the day’s worries and torments slipped away without a trace. How did Halle do it? The kiss remained heartfelt, and although it could have easily turned into something more, neither Halle nor Lydia pushed for it.

“Okay, wow. Should I stalk you more often?”

“It was more like breaking and entering,” Lydia mumbled against Halle’s lips. “And, yes, you can do that whenever you want. Especially if you’re cooking me food.”

“So, I should carry on cooking this moussaka?”

“Yes, and then you should sit down and eat some with me, if you’re not busy?”

“No, not busy. But are you sure? I’ve totally hijacked your night. Which is something I keep doing.”

“You’ve never hijacked my night.”

“No, just your doctor’s appointment. And your bucket list. And the house moving.”

Pulling back, Lydia studied Halle. “Are you seriously worried that’s what I think?” Halle’s shrug said it all. “Halle, you’re never an intrusion, or unwanted. I’ve loved doing my bucket list with you, and if you hadn’t intervened with the doctor, I would still be a mess.”
