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“I know, and I think you could do with a chat. Away from noise and crowds. Will you wait, so I can grab my coat? The chippy is open. Let’s grab a bite. Please?”

Fe was going to be pissed!

Chapter 6

The smell of freshly fried chips made Lydia’s mouth water. Battered cod was on the menu tonight, and she was going to enjoy every greasy morsel of it! Blemishes be damned.

“What can I get ya, love?” A short woman who barely reached the top of the counter asked. Lydia reeled off her order and then looked to Halle.

“I’ll have the same, please.” Whatever was going on between Fe and Halle, Lydia did not like seeing Halle look so forlorn. They waited in silence for their food, Lydia casting a watchful eye over Halle every few seconds.

“Let’s sit.” Halle followed Lydia without a word. Unravelling her meal from its paper, Lydia busied herself adding salt and vinegar, hoping Halle would start talking. When it was clear Halle was going to keep schtum, Lydia pressed on. “Will you please tell me what’s wrong?”

Puffing out a breath, Halle finally looked at Lydia. “Fe’s just being Fe. Normally I can handle it, you know. She’s always been the same. Right now, though, I’m struggling.” Halle dragged a chip through a blob of ketchup, seemingly lost in thought.

“What exactly do you mean, it’s ‘Fe just being Fe?’” That really could mean anything.

“She’s getting pissy that I’m not spending enough time with her.”

“Bloody hell, you practically live with her. She can’t be serious. Has she had an argument with Clark? You know she gets clingy when they fight.” Fe and Clark were a brilliant match, but Clark’s work schedule often led to disagreements. Although Lydia had pointed out several times that if Fe wanted that kind of lifestyle, with the big houses and nice car, Clark had to work long hours. Fe’s inheritance would only stretch so far with the way they lived.

“Maybe,” Halle sighed.

“And what was with the arranged date? You didn’t seem elated by that.”

“Far from it. It’s just…”

“Halle, you can talk to me. I know she’s my sister, but I also know how much of a pain in the arse she can be.”

Finally, Lydia cracked Halle’s glum expression. She only showed a hint of a smirk, but it was there. “I just wish everything I did or do, wouldn’t have to be run by her. Fe’s always been a control freak, and I love her for it. That’s who she is. But not everyone needs their life controlled. I can find my own dates; I can have different friends. I can organise my life.”

Chewing quickly, Lydia swallowed her fish. “How long have you felt like this?”

“A little while. I’m not the type of person to rock the boat. And Fe’s had a lot going on with Clark working so much and the triple terrors.”

“Yeah, she has, but that doesn’t mean you should make yourself smaller to accommodate her every need. Look, Fe is a grown woman. She has support around her, that doesn’t just fall on you.”

“I think we’ve just relied on each other for so long. She finds it hard to accept change.”

“Fe hates change. She always has. But again, Halle, that’s her problem. Look, I adore my sister. She’s my best friend, but she’s not perfect. Fe can be self-centred. And most of the time, that’s okay. We should all be a little selfish at times. That means you too, Halle. If you need a change, tell her. Your friendship will be fine. Fe will need a few weeks to sulk, and then she’ll get over it.”

“How did she take it when you left?” Halle was back to avoiding eye contact, which was strange.

“Oh, yeah, she was pissed. I knew she would be. But like I told her. You’ve had an emotional day and needed a chat, more than she did. Plus, Cathy and Harrison would’ve stayed. Cathy can get anyone talking. I guarantee, five minutes after we left, Fe had already forgotten she was mad.”

“Thanks, Lyds.”

“No worries. Now, how about we polish off these chips and then take a walk? It’s not too late. We can talk about Ben if you want or not?”

“I’d like that.”

* * *

“Sweetie, it’s lovely to see you.” Lydia’s mum wrapped her up in a tight hug. Bonnie Archer was almost sixty, but she had the complexion of someone half her age. Tall, slim and gorgeous. Well, Lydia thought so. She was also the best mum in the world. Bonnie raised Fe and Lydia by herself after their dad up and left. Never once letting her heartache win, Bonnie turned her grief into love and doled it out generously.

“Hey, Mum, you look great.”

“Thanks, love. How’re you feeling?”
