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“I’m great. I have my blood test tomorrow.”

“Yes, Fe said she was going with you. You could have called, flower. I’m happy to go along with you whenever you need me to.”

Chuckling, Lydia shed her coat, hanging it on the peg next to the front door. “It seems I have a whole gang of people supporting me at the moment.”

“Good, so you should. Fe was upset the other day. She told me she felt as if she’d let you down.”

Shaking her head, Lydia followed her mum into the kitchen. “I’ve never thought that.”


“Please.” Sitting at the kitchen table, Lydia deliberated, asking her mum about Fe. What could it hurt? “Mum, is Fe okay?”

“Why do you ask, love?”

“She’s fighting with Halle, for one. They never fall out.”

“Really? She hasn’t said.” Bonnie placed two cups of tea on the table. “Biscuit?”

“No thanks. Anyway, they had a blow-up at the pub the other night. Halle left, so I went after her. Fe was pissed at me, but Halle seemed really upset.”

“Are you and Halle friends now?” Why was her mum looking at her like that?

“Yeah, I suppose so. She’s been great with everything going on with me. I couldn’t believe she got me an appointment with Dr. Maynard.”

“That’s Halle for you.” Bonnie sipped her tea, keeping an eye on Lydia, which was a little disconcerting.

“We’ve got a lot in common. It’s been nice spending time with her.”

“There’s your answer then.”

“What answer?”

“To what’s bugging Fe.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me. She’s upset that Halle and I are spending time together?”

“It’s only a guess, but I’d say that would be about right.”

Lydia scoffed. “That’s ridiculous and childish. Halle has every right to have more than Fe as a friend, for God’s sake.”

“I agree and I don’t think Fe cares if Halle has other friends.”

“So, you think it’s me she has an issue with?”

“Talk to her, sweetie.”

“Why should I?” Lydia was being stubborn. She knew it, and it was silly, but sometimes Fe really riled her up.

“Because she’s your sister.”

“Mum, she’s the one being ridiculous.”

“Maybe so, but Fe’s obviously having a tough time with something.”

Lydia wanted to stomp and scream. This is what Fe classed as a tough time, being stupidly jealous of her friend and sister? How utterly… Argh!

“Sure, I’ll talk to her. It must be really hard having to share a friend. However, must she be coping?”
