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“Yeah, I think you’d enjoy it. Just the mention of her name and your pussy is clenching.”

Scrabbling to her elbows, Lydia looked down at Zoe incredulously. “She’s my friend, and that’s it. I’m in this state because you’re between my legs.”

“No, I think you want her. She definitely wants you. We could have fun. I’m up for it. I think I’d like to watch her fuck you.”

Lydia opened her mouth to protest, but Zoe sucked her clit before a single syllable could pass her lips. The only noise she made was a gasping moan. “Oh, fuck.”

“Say her name.” Was Zoe out of her mind? “Scream it for me, Lydia.”

“Jesus. Don’t stop.” Lydia pulsed with every undulation. “I—”

“Say it,” Zoe growled. There was no stopping the tidal wave of pleasure that burst from Lydia’s centre. “Halle! Oh God, yes!”

This time, when Lydia woke, the smell of sizzling bacon didn’t ignite her senses. The sight of Zoe standing in the door with a sandwich and coffee didn’t get her excited. In fact, it did the opposite.

“Morning, ready for your breakfast?” Zoe was acting her usual self, which Lydia couldn’t fathom. Last night had ended uncomfortably for her. Calling out Halle’s name as she orgasmed felt right at the time, but the moment she came down from the euphoria she felt ill at ease.

“I’m sorry, I have to go. Um, I’ve got an early shift.”

“Lydia,” Zoe replied, clearly seeing through the lie. “Why are you freaking out?”

“I’m not freaking out.” The shriek-like answer didn’t help her cause.

“So, you find your friend hot. I told you I’m cool with it. Keeps things interesting in bed, don’t you think?”

“I—” Momentarily stunned, Lydia had a fleeting image of Zoe and Halle in her bed.

“Look, have some food and then go. No need to start your day off on an empty stomach.”

By the time Lydia left Zoe’s apartment, her head was wrecked. There had been times over the years Lydia had thought of Halle in a less than friendly manner, but they were fleeting. Halle would never be interested in her, and God forbid Fe found out Lydia had the hots for her best friend. It had never been worth the trouble, so Lydia put any feelings she had for Halle to the back of her mind and got on with her life.

Now, though, those feelings would not be stuffed away so easily. It wasn’t just calling Halle’s name that left Lydia feeling mixed up; it was everything that went along with it. In that moment, it hadn’t been Zoe’s tongue on her clit; it had been Halle’s. Lydia’s body had reacted so strongly, adding to what was already an intense climax.

Fe was finishing up a call when Lydia walked in. The last thing she wanted was to recap her night with Zoe. Lydia was already struggling to look in Fe’s direction, terrified that her sister would know something untoward happened.

Dashing up the stairs, Lydia showered and hid with the triplets for an hour. Entertaining three hyped children was a much better idea than facing Fe’s interrogation.

“There you are.” Damn it, her cover was blown. Fe stood with hands on hip, one eyebrow raised.

“I wanted some time with my niblings.” Not strictly true, although Lydia loved every second she got with the tearaways.

“Uh huh. Are you at work today?”

“Yeah, late shift, why?”

“Just wondering. Can you come downstairs now? We need to talk.”

Lydia’s heart seized in her chest. Fe had always been observant, but now Lydia worried her eagle-eyed sister had developed telepathic abilities and knew exactly what Lydia had done last night.

Her bum had only just touched the seat when Fe rounded on her. “I called the lawyer. Clark will be served the papers soon.”

“Oh, thank Christ!”

“Wow, I didn’t think you’d be so relieved. I thought you liked Clark?”

“What, no. I’m not relieved, and I did like Clark.” That was a lie. Lydia was most definitely relieved. It just wasn’t related to Fe’s news. “I’m happy you’re moving on, is all. Taking charge. The kids need stability and safety. Are you okay?”
