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“I’m not sure. It doesn’t matter. Clark left his family, and I need to look out for the kids. I’ve petitioned for sole custody.”


“Yes, really. Clark hasn’t been a father for a long time. I forgave him at the time, thinking it was because he was working hard for us. But that’s horseshit. He was getting his rocks off with what’s-her-name while I was at home looking after everything. If Clark wants a new life, he can have it.”

Chapter 10

Spending the day deliberating whether she should go to Halle’s this evening as planned drained Lydia entirely. If she didn’t show up, that would raise questions, but if she did, Lydia would have to look Halle in the eye, which she wasn’t sure was possible. Not with the events of last night so fresh in her memory.

Zoe called several times, but they’d gone unanswered. Sure, a bit of kink in the bedroom was fine, and if Zoe got off on her partner thinking of someone else in the throes of passion, who was Lydia to judge? But, for Lydia, it was too much.

Halle was out of bounds for a reason. Having the woman in her life was already becoming a little difficult. The dynamics among Halle, Fe, and herself were complicated. Just forming a friendship with Halle away from Fe seemed to stir the pot.

There was no way Lydia wanted a reminder of her attraction to Halle when in bed with Zoe. Therefore, she’d decided to let Nurse Hottie go. Maybe she was premature in her decision? It didn’t matter, Lydia had called it off. Zoe had been extremely understanding and harboured no ill will, assuring her nothing would be awkward if Lydia had to return to the surgery.

With that done and dusted, Lydia now had to decide if she was going to knock on Halle’s door. The door she’d been standing in front of for ten minutes now. This was the first time since Halle moved that Lydia would see inside her place. She’d dropped Fe off a couple of times, but never ventured past the front step.

There was still time to turn around. Go back to Fe’s place and snuggle with Monty and the kids. Or she could grab a movie in town. Then Fe wouldn’t ask questions about her premature return.

“Are you going to stand out there much longer? It’s just that dinner is almost ready.”

Halle’s voice through the door made Lydia jump enough she had to grip the handrail to stop herself from falling over. “Jesus,” she hissed, gripping the front of her coat, as if that would stop her heart from jackhammering.

The door swung open to reveal Halle dressed in joggers and a fitted sweater. Barefoot! A flood of heat rose from Lydia’s feet up to her face, which flushed. Because why wouldn’t it? This was exactly the time to look flustered. For once, she’d love her body not to react. Traitorous arsehole. “Lyds, are you alright?”

“Yes, yup, all good.” Lydia’s answer was directed at the floor. How the hell was she going to get through the evening?

“Come on then, in you come. I’m letting all the heat out.”

Following Halle inside, Lydia did her level best to seem normal. “It’s lovely in here.” Halle’s apartment was warm and inviting. Laced with bold colours, Lydia could feel Halle in every ornament and art piece.

“Thanks. I’m happy with it. The area is so much better than my last place. Do you remember that?” Halle shuddered at the memory. Lydia did indeed remember Halle’s last residence. In a rough part of town, everyone was glad when Halle finally moved away. “I’m a lot closer to work now, and less likely to have the tyres on my car nicked.”

“Yeah, you did good at finding this place. What smells so good?”

“Dinner. I know I said we’d order in, but then I thought about all the crap that goes into takeout. It’s full of sugar and won’t help with bloating, so I thought it would be best if I cooked us something homemade. Is vegetable curry, okay? I got some low-alcohol beer too, because you know we can’t have curry without beer. The only thing I didn’t have time to make were naan breads. So, I bought some. You don’t need to eat one though if it will make you feel yucky.”

“Halle…” Clearing the massive ball of emotion from her throat, Lydia placed a hand on Halle’s arm. “That is incredibly thoughtful. Thank you.” You will not cry, Lydia Archer!

“No biggie. Want a beer now or later?” No biggie? Halle had no idea how much of a biggie it was.

“Now, please.”

“Take a seat and I’ll be right back. I put some DVDs on the coffee table for you to choose from.”

Halle was possibly the last person on earth who still used DVDs, and Lydia loved it. Combing through the pile, Lydia picked her two favourite films. The Goonies, which was a classic and Cutthroat Island, because, well, Geena Davis.

“Oh, good choices!” Halle passed Lydia a beer and sat beside her on the small sofa. “Cheers.”

“Cheers.” After several seconds of silence, Lydia was ready for the floor to swallow her up. She couldn’t form a sentence with Halle this close to her. Not after envisioning what she did last night. Plus, Halle’s scent wasn’t helping. Who smelled this good all the time?

“Dinner will be five minutes.”

“Okay.” Jesus. This was painful.

“Are you sure everything’s alright?”

“Are you?” Lydia’s quick retort pulled Halle up short.
