Page 32 of Runaway Whirlwind

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“Mine to fuck, mine to fill, and mine to breed. Mine to take care of and to protect, including our kids—and you will have my kids. Hopefully, sooner rather than later.”

That snaps me out of it, and I press my knees together. “You’re insane,” I whisper like a broken record, even as my lower belly flutters.

“It’s not insanity, babygirl. It’s something special that we’ve found in each other,” Wyatt says as he slides his hand out from between my legs and rubs my belly reverently, then cups the back of my head and presses a hard kiss to my lips that leaves me breathless. “Right,” he says as he stands and claps his hands once. “Now that we’ve got all that sorted, how about you finish washing up while I make breakfast? Then I’m taking you out to meet my mama later.”

I stare at him in bewilderment with no clue what the hell to say to him now. He throws me a wink and walks out, leaving the bathroom door wide open.


I’m plating the eggs and hashbrowns when Dolly waddles out of the bathroom dressed in her now clean, black skinny jeans and giant hoodie. Since she did laundry yesterday, I know she, unfortunately, is probably back to wearing underwear again.

Like yesterday, we sit on the floor to eat since I don’t have two chairs. Dolly wolfs down her eggs, making adorable, little appreciative noises that make me smile. She catches me staring and narrows her eyes at me but doesn’t say anything with her mouth stuffed full.

“We gotta run an errand after we finish breakfast. I’ll show you around town while we’re out so you can get a feel for it.”

Dolly scrapes her plate clean and sets it down with a sigh. “Wyatt,” she hedges. “You know I can’t stay here. By now, I’m sure my dad knows I’m with you, and he’ll have your address. If he comes after me—which he will—I don’t want you in the line of fire. I really do need to leave soon,” she says softly, like she’s trying to let me down easy.

In a flash, I have her seated on my lap. I band an arm around her and use my other to tip her chin up. “We already talked about this. You’re not going anywhere, not on your own. If we have to move,” I say while moving my eyes around my shit-box of an apartment, taking in how tiny and unfit it is for a growing family, “then we’ll do it as soon as possible. I’m going to take care of you.” I move my hand down to rest over her belly button. “Both of you.”

She gives up her resistance for now, deciding not to argue, though she’s looking at me wide-eyed like I’m insane again. I set her on her feet and dart in to press a kiss to her lower belly before getting to my feet. I pick up our plates and take them to the sink, along with the pan and utensils I used to cook breakfast, before I take a quick shower, regretfully washing her scent off my dick.

I’m done and out of the bathroom in less than ten minutes, dressed in my usual black jeans, black boots, black T-shirt, and a dark flannel thrown over. The thought had crossed my mind after I stepped under the water that Dolly could’ve taken off the second I closed the bathroom door, so I’m more than relieved to find her in the kitchen finishing up washing this morning’s dishes, even though I told her I’d do them later.

I pause to take her in. I love seeing her move around in my space, like this apartment is just as much hers as it is mine. It’s all very homey, and it’s exactly what I want with her. Looking around the small, nearly empty apartment again, I know she deserves better, and I plan on giving it to her as soon as possible.

I sidle up behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist, then drag her hair over her shoulder and kiss her neck. Dolly might be annoyed with me right now, but she still sinks into me and tips her head to the side, silently inviting more of my attention.

As much as I’d rather stay just like this, holding and kissing my girl, we have things to do. “Come on, babygirl, we have to go.” Giving her one last squeeze, I step back and can’t resist lightly smacking her plump ass.

Damn, that’s a mighty fine ass.

Dolly shoots me another annoyed look but follows me out of the apartment without argument down to my truck, where I boost her in and reach over to click her seatbelt into place. It’s about a forty-minute drive to the closest Walmart, and I spend that time pointing out my old high school, the tackle shop where I got my first job, the public library, the Chinese restaurant we ordered from yesterday, and the diner I plan on taking her to sometime soon.

“We have most of what we need here, and we can drive into the city for everything else. I know it’s not what you’re used to since it’s slower paced and more spread out, but it’s a beautiful and safe place to raise a family,” I tell her, and she startles at that, only making eye contact for a brief moment before turning away to look out her window.

Chapter 20


Wyatt pulls into the large Walmart parking lot, and we make our way inside, holding hands. I know we don’t look like we should go together, and wonder if maybe people think our relationship is wrong or disgusting. At least, that’s the impression I get when a few people shoot nasty looks our way, like they smell something rotten.

I drop Wyatt’s hand, but not because I’m uncomfortable or embarrassed. I do it so I can step into his side and put my arm around his back. I shoot the same nasty look right back at them, daring them to say something. Wyatt doesn’t break his stride, but he does lean down to place a kiss on the top of my head as he shifts his arm over my shoulder, pulling me further into him.

“So, what do we need here?” I ask him, the first thing I’ve said since we left his apartment.

“We need to stock up on essentials and toiletries, and we need to get groceries. I was surprised I had enough for breakfast. We could also do with another set of sheets if we’re gonna keep getting the bed all messy like we did last night.” He waggles his dark brows up and down, teasing me, and I blush. “I know you need some new clothes, too, since I haven’t seen you in anything other than a few oversized shirts and hoodies. We’re going to my mama’s house later so I can introduce you two, so maybe you’d like to get—”

I stop in my tracks, my eyes going wide. I swear my eyelids are going to get stuck in the back of my head if I keep doing that. “I’m meeting your mom? Like, today?” It comes out way too loud, and I have to make an effort to lower my voice. “I can’t meet your mom, Wyatt. What’s she going to think of me? Of us? She’s going to hate me on sight.” I may not care what these strangers think of us and our unconventional relationship, but I absolutely do care what his mom might think of me should I decide to stay with Wyatt.

Which I’m not, right?

Wyatt tugs me to his front, circling his arms around my shoulders so I can’t run away like I really want to right now. “My mama isn’t like that. She’ll see what I see in you. So long as she thinks you’re a good person who’ll treat me right, she’ll be happy for us. I promise, ok?”

I study his earnest expression, and when I find no hint that he’s lying, I give in. I seem to do a lot of that with him, which is concerning. Am I letting him push me around because I’m so used to doing that with Dad? Or do I secretly, in my heart of hearts, want what he’s offering—a home and a family with him—and that’s why I keep giving in? I had a golden opportunity earlier to pack my bag and leave when Wyatt was in the shower after breakfast, and I didn’t take it.

I didn’t want to.

“Fine,” I say after a long pause. “I hate the idea of you spending more money on me, but I’ll definitely need something nicer than this”—I motion to my hoodie and jeans torn at the knees—“to wear.”
