Page 33 of Runaway Whirlwind

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Wyatt’s sporting a bigger smile now, which fills me with warmth. I’m still nervous to meet his mom, of course, but it helps that I believe him when he says she won’t hate me.

“Ok, good. And, babygirl”—he gives me a pointed, serious look—“I want you to stop worrying about money. I don’t spend much since I’m always on the road, and my apartment costs next to nothing. Get what you need. Hell, get what you don’t need but what you want, too. I’ve got this.”

We spend the next hour picking out clothes for me and a few new things for him as well. I have a decent pile of new jeans, a few form-fitting tops and sweaters, a cute dress to wear later, white tennis shoes, and nice sandals to go with the dress since I only have the beat-up running shoes I wore when I left home.

Wyatt scowls but decides not to say anything when we stop in the intimates section, and I drop a pack of new underwear in the shopping cart. I giggle at his reaction, and he quickly drops the scowl, his expression softening for me.

I feel more relaxed as we walk through the grocery section, and he fills up the cart with more food than I’ve ever seen purchased in one grocery trip. Mom and I never got this much, and it seems excessive for two people. But then I look at him. He’s a big guy, and big guys need a lot.

Unfortunately, the only thing I can cook doesn’t really count as cooking. I can preheat an oven and pop in a frozen dinner, and I know how to work a microwave. But if I’m going to stay with Wyatt, even if it’s only for a few more days, it might be a good idea to learn how to make the basics so he doesn’t have to keep shelling out money for fast food or take-out.

We’re passing through the first aid and vitamin section when I spot the in-store pharmacy. We never did get the emergency pill when we were on the road, and I really need to do something about that so I don’t get pregnant. Not yet, at least. I slow my stride and let Wyatt take a few steps ahead, then sneak off to the side. I have my cash on me, and maybe I’ll be able to purchase one before he notices I’m gone.

But I only get a few steps down the aisle when Wyatt grabs hold of my waist and lifts me off the floor, carrying me like a tantrumming toddler back to where he left the cart as he growls in my ear, “Not gonna happen, babygirl.” He sets me back on my feet and cages me in with his arms, hands on the cart handle around me as we wheel it toward the checkout line.

I’d be more annoyed if I didn’t know the pill probably won’t be effective now that it’s been more than seventy-two hours since he came inside me the first time. It’s out of my hands now, and I’ll just have to cross my fingers and toes that I get my period.


Dolly thought she was being so sneaky, slowing down to walk behind me, but I caught her look when we passed the pharmacy. So I hauled her ass up and kept her trapped in front of me until we paid and left.

I toss the keys to Dolly to unlock the front door and grab all the bags to take them up to the apartment in one trip. I love seeing her move around, putting our groceries and toiletries away where she wants them instead of where I usually have them since this is her home now, too.

After that, she starts hanging up our new clothes in the closet. She rummages through the now empty bags, going through them several times. Then she looks through the fridge and cabinets and shakes her head in confusion.

“Missing something?” I smirk at her and see when it clicks.

She stalks over to me and jabs her finger in my chest, a common occurrence at this point. “You dirty, rotten bastard. You took my panties out of the cart, didn’t you?”

With my hands under her ass, I pick her up and carry her over to the bed, laying her down on her back with her ass hanging just off the edge. “Sure did. Whatcha gonna do about it?” I kiss her lips, her chin, and down her neck as I move my hands to the hem of her hoodie. Pushing it up and over her breasts, I bury my nose between her gorgeous tits. I’m rock-hard thinking about her walking around all the time without panties.

I need to hide the ones she already has.

“I’ll tell you what I’m not going to do! None of this!” She tries to roll to the side to get out from under me, but I don’t let her.

I grab both of her hands and raise them above her, pinning her wrists to the bed with one hand. With the other, I unhook her bra and move the cups up and out of the way. I love how large her nipples are, matching the size of her generous tits. They’re a dark pink color and so puffy when warm, just like in my shower fantasy. Turning my head back and forth, I lick over both nipples until the tips harden, then suck her left nipple into my mouth, nipping the hard bud between my teeth.

Dolly had been fighting my hold on her wrists, but she gives up and gasps when I draw her nipple and more of her tit deeper into my mouth. She arches her back, shoving her breasts further into my face, and I inhale her clean scent.

“Wyatt!” Her voice is breathy and so goddamn sexy when she says my name.

Keeping her tit in my mouth, I shake my head, her breast jiggling side to side as I do so. I could cum from the sight alone. I release her breast, slapping it a lot gentler than I would her ass.

“Not my name. You know what I want to hear when we’re in bed.” Dolly groans in frustration, and I slap her tit again. “Go on, babygirl. Say it.”


Fuck, hearing that always makes me hard as a steel pipe. I attack her other nipple, giving it the same attention as I did the first one. When she’s a panting, writhing mess, I kiss a line down her body, letting go of her wrists, trusting she’s not going to move. I spend more time kissing and licking her lower belly as I unbutton her jeans and pull the zipper down.

“Daddy, no. We can’t,” she protests between panting breaths.

I ignore her, grabbing hold of the waistband of her jeans and working them off her legs along with the panties I will be throwing away. I spread Dolly’s legs, which she halfheartedly fights to keep closed, and kneel on the floor between them, taking in the sight of her swollen, red pussy.


“Daddy, I said no,” she says more firmly. When I don’t back off, she curls up and tries to push me away with her hands on my shoulders.

I place a hand flat between her breasts and push her back down on the bed. “Don’t worry, babygirl. I know your pussy is still sore from last night, so I’m not going to fuck you this time.”
