Page 52 of Runaway Whirlwind

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Today is my first day at my first job, and I’m nervous as all get out. I have my long blonde hair pulled into a high ponytail, and I feel cute in my uniform that falls just over halfway down my thighs, which I’ve paired with my new white tennis shoes. I study myself in the mirror, noticing the color in my cheeks and how the dark circles under my eyes—the ones that were permanently painted on my face for the last five years—have all but disappeared.

It’s amazing what a week of good food and good sleep can do to a person. I don’t think I’ve ever been happier than I am right now, standing in the little bathroom of my little green house I share with Wyatt.

I frown, though, when the top two buttons on my uniform keep popping open. It’s a little too tight around my chest despite fitting perfectly around my waist and hips. Wyatt also frowns as soon as I step into the living room, his eyes immediately dropping to my chest.

“You’re not going to the diner dressed like that,” he says, pointing his finger at my tits.

“Excuse me?” I prop a hand on my hip and arch a brow—something I never would have dared to do at Dad.

“I said—”

“Oh, I know what you said, and that shit’s not going to fly with me.” I cross my arms, creating a little shelf under my tits, which in turn makes them look bigger and strain another button.

“Nope, ain’t happening.” He stomps out of the room and comes back, shoving one of my big hoodies into my arms. “Here. Put this on. We’re not leaving ‘til you do.”

“Oh, is that right?”

“Sure is, babygirl. Go on.”

That’s what he thinks.

“Ok, Daddy,” I say after a beat in a high, cheery voice and smiling brightly, letting him think he’s won. He narrows his eyes with suspicion at my sudden attitude change. I’m careful not to mess up my hair as I pull the hoodie on, which is so big you can only see a small strip of my dress at the bottom. “That better, Daddy?” I ask as I do a slow spin.

Wyatt’s eyes narrow further to mere slits. I can tell he’s not happy that it looks like I’m not wearing anything under the hoodie, but he doesn’t say anything as he stomps out of the house with me following behind. I make sure to set the house alarm after locking up, then jump into the truck when he opens the door for me.

When we pull into the dirt and gravel parking lot, Wyatt is quick to hop out and help me down. I turn to him after he walks me across the lot to the diner’s front door and throw my arms around his neck, pulling him down for a quick kiss.

“My shift is over at eight o’clock. I was thinking we could have dinner here after you come back to pick me up.”

“Sounds good, babygirl.” He smiles real big and bright like I had at the house, and it’s my turn to narrow my eyes in suspicion.

He opens the door for me and ushers me through. Instead of leaving me to my six-hour training shift like I expected, he plops down on one of the barstools at the long counter.

“What are you doing?”

“What’s it look like?”

“Um, aren’t you going to leave?”

“Nah, I think I’ll stick around.”


“But nothing. Go on, enjoy your first day. I’ll be right here, ready when you’re done.” He’s wearing a big shit-eating grin now, and my eyes roll so far back in my head that they’re likely to get stuck there. Frickin’ caveman is going to watch me all shift.

“Hey, Dolly! It’s good to see you again. You’ll be training with me today,” Violet says as she walks around the counter to pull me in for a hug, which I wasn’t expecting after only having met her the day before.

“Hey, Violet. It’s good to see you too.” I mean it. I never really had any friends back home since Dad monitored all of my phone activity and never let me go to birthday parties or sleepovers. I was the weird kid with overly strict parents, which didn’t bode well for my social life. But Violet seems like good people, and she’s close enough to my age that we may become friends, which is something I really, really hope will happen.

“Hi, Wyatt. Bye, Wyatt.” She waves to him and tugs on my hand, leading me to the back, past the kitchen, and into the little employee area with a few lockers to store our things. She points to the one I can use, then waves her hand up and down, motioning over my outfit. “You need to take your hoodie off, or you’re gonna melt running around here all night.”

“Oh, I know. Wyatt made me wear it out of the house, but I have no plans to wear it while I’m working…not that he knows that.” I grin at her conspiratorially, and she laughs as I pull the hoodie off and stuff it in my locker.

“Did he throw a fit about the dress being too tight around your tits? Jared did the same to me, but I told him ‘tough shit’. My body, my choice, am I right?”

