Page 20 of Enigma

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Grabbing the kid by the shoulders, I asked, “Where?”

“You know my birthday is coming up, right?” The kid smirked, changing the subject fast.

That was a trick I was a pro at.

The kid was trying to play me.

Now, all I had to do was figure out what he wanted, and fast, before my brothers spotted me.

Narrowing my eyes, I growled, “Get to the point, kid.”

“This club needs more men. There are too many Bettys.”

“What the hell do you want me to do about that? I can’t get rid of them. The brothers will kill me.”

“No, but you can help me tip the scales.” The kid grinned mischievously.

I didn’t trust Cameron as far as I could throw him.

And in that moment, I felt I could hurl him to the state line.

I wish this kid would make sense.

“The way I see it. If you claim Ms. Sugar, by default, Benny and Sean will also be yours. Therefore, I’ll have two more brothers. Men in training with me. Together, we can train the boy babies on what it means to be a manly man. ‘Cause face it, Enigma. All these Bettys keep bringing more little Bettys to the club. That ain’t right. We’re manly men. If we don’t stop that shit fast, what we want ain’t gonna matter.”

I take it back.

The kid was a fucking genius.

He was gunning for world domination.

“Several of the Bettys are pregnant, kid. They might give you what you want.”

Cameron rolled his eyes. “Pah-leese. Sarah had three in her belly and only gave me one boy. I ain’t chancing those odds.”

Kid had a point.

“So, what do you want me to do?”

The kid snapped his little fingers in my face. “Haven’t you been listening? Claim Sugar and get me more men.”

Forget killing John.

I was going down for smothering a kid.

God, I had a newfound respect for what Sky and Pyro had to deal with on a daily basis.

Those two deserved a sainthood!

Sighing, I raked my hands through my hair, looking around for anyone to come save me from this kid. I didn’t care if King found me and ordered me to the obstacle course for the next millennia. Anything was better than arguing with a six-year-old. Besides, I was wasting time with him when I should be racing after John. I needed to find him and finish this shit so Shug could live in peace.

“You promise me you will claim Sugar and I will tell you where he went.”

Looking down at the kid, I groaned, “It’s not that easy, kid. Sugar and I are just friends.”

“That’s what Scribe said, but that didn’t stop him from claiming the most bodacious Betty in the club. Now, my princess is safe and I have a fifty-fifty chance at having another brother. But I’m not chancing anything. I need more men now.”

Frowning, I asked, “Why?”
