Page 19 of Enigma

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Chapter Seven


Imagine my surprise when I stepped out of the clubhouse to help my brothers and my eyes lock on the one motherfucker causing all of Shug’s problems. The second he saw me, the bastard bolted.

It was fucking game on, because there was no way I was letting that asshole off this mountain.

Fucker should have stayed in Ohio.

Giving chase, the bastard took off into the woods. While I knew my brothers needed my help, killing John Stanley was more important.

My brothers would understand.

Too bad that was a lot easier said than done.

All night I’d been tracking him, all over the fucking mountain. Determined to catch him, I refused to give up, still going when the sun rose over the horizon. There was no way he was ever going to hurt her again.

I’d checked all his normal haunts.

The fucker was nowhere to be found, and that told me only two plausible things. The bastard was holed up in town somewhere, waiting for Sugar to show her face, or he was getting the fuck out of dodge.

Heading back to the clubhouse, I had just emerged behind the garage when I heard the one voice that curled my toes and made me cringe in fear. “Hi, Enigma!”

Stopping dead in my tracks, I turned to find the mouth of the clubhouse smiling up at me.

“Whatcha doing sneaking around back here for?”


Cameron Hobbs. The quintessential pain in the ass of the club stood before me, smiling like he didn’t have a care in the world. The little shit was a good kid. A little outspoken and stubborn as hell, but he was solid. The only beef I had with him was that he never shut up.

The kid always had something to say.

I would bet the brat even talked in his damn sleep.

However, there was one good thing I liked about the kid.

He loved secrets, and he was a pro at keeping them.

“Why aren’t you in school?”

“Why aren’t you babysitting Sugar like King told you to do?” the brat challenged.

Narrowing my eyes at the kid, I growled, “How do you know about that?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

This kid was impossible. He was either going to conquer the world or he was looking at twenty-five to life in a federal penitentiary.

At the moment, my money was on option two.

“Cameron, I don’t have time to talk. I need to get my truck and go into town.”

“Have anything to do with that jerk-face you were chasing last night?”

“You saw him? Which way did he go?”

The kid shrugged, toeing the tip of his shoe in the dirt. “May have seen him.”
