Page 22 of Enigma

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That was the other thing. Mrs. Linda enjoyed giving me hell for my lazy approach to the English language.

Sighing, I asked again, “Mrs. Linda. May I please speak with Sheriff Brewer?”

“He’s in his office, sweetie. You can go on back.”

Leaning over the counter, I quickly kissed the woman’s cheek, before rushing towards the back to find Mike sitting at his desk, reading some file. Not looking up, he muttered, “You better have a damn good reason for not being with Sugar right now, Enigma. Because if you left her alone, you won’t have to worry about what King does to you. I will beat your ass myself.”

“She’s safe.”

“Uh huh…” the man said, sighing, looking up at me. “Why are you here?”

Handing him the paper Cameron gave me, I stated, “Saw that fucker last night. I’ve been chasing him all over the mountain since before I lost him. I need you to run that plate number. Asshole is driving a red truck.”

Taking it, Mike swiveled in his chair, typing fast into his computer. “Where did you get this?”

“Best if I kept that part to myself, but it’s reliable.”

No way was I throwing Cameron under the bus.

“Truck’s registered to a Harry Stanwick out of Canton, Ohio. Truck was reported stolen three weeks ago.”

“Three weeks?” I asked, confused. “I thought you said John was just released.”

“That’s what they told me,” Mike growled, reaching for his desk phone and dialing a number. “This is Sheriff Michael Brewer from Rosewood, Virginia. I need to speak with Detective Ibanez? It’s regarding the A.P.B. on John Stanley.”

Covering the receiver with his hand, Mike looked at me and spoke, “If that bastard was released three weeks ago, that means he’s been here the whole time watching Sugar. Tell me you have her locked down tight.”

“No one will find her,” I firmly stated, then kinda cringed when I remembered Cameron, quickly shaking it off.

The kid may be a pain in the ass, but he was no narc.

“Detective. Sheriff Brewer, we’ve had a possible sighting of John Stanley and we’ve identified the truck he’s in. A stolen red Dodge Ram with Ohio plates. The system is telling me that Stanley stole the truck three weeks ago, because that’s when the owner reported it missing. When was Stanley released from prison? Uh-huh. I see. And you didn’t think I needed to know this? His ex-wife and children live in my town. I understand that Canton, Ohio has a larger population than Rosewood, but like you, I am trying to protect one of my citizens, because Ohio’s court system and an Ohio parole officer didn’t do their job. I really don’t care whose fault it is. All I know is that John Stanley is in my jurisdiction now. The State of Virginia will ensure that John Stanley is apprehended. Just send me everything you have on the bastard.” Mike groaned, hanging up, getting to his feet, and walking out of his office.

Following him, I said nothing when he handed Mrs. Linda the small sheet of paper with the truck’s license plate on it. “Mrs. Linda, please send out an A.P.B. on this truck to the surrounding counties. The driver is extremely dangerous. Proceed with caution.”

Mrs. Linda nodded, taking the paper before turning toward her computer.

Mike turned back to me. “Enigma, where was the last place you saw Stanley?”

“I lost him on Treasure’s Pass, right before the old logging trail.”

“That road is closed from the rockslide last spring.”

“True, but don’t forget, Scribe and Henley used it this past winter. Rocks or not, the road is passable with four-wheel drive.”

“And from Treasure Pass, he has easy access to the state road and interstate.”

“My thoughts exactly.”

“If he’s been here this whole time, he knows he won’t be able to get to Sugar without the club knowing. He doesn’t want a confrontation with King. So where would he go next?”

“He wouldn’t,” I stated. “John Stanley blames Sugar for all of his problems. He won’t just leave without trying to get his hands on her.”

“You don’t think he’d go after his boys, do ya?” Mike asked.

I shrugged. “Maybe, I don’t know. He never believed Ben or Sean were his. During the trial, he filed legal papers severing his paternal rights. He wants nothing to do with those boys. That’s why they both have Sugar’s last name.”

“And the boys are still in Louisiana with Sugar’s parents. Something isn’t right here, Enigma. If he’s been here for three weeks, someone has to have seen him. This is a small town. Everyone talks. There is really no place he can hide.”
