Page 39 of Enigma

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“It’s a pretty day. Let’s celebrate with a barbecue,” Pyro suggested.

“That’s a great idea.” King smiled. “Pyro, you, me, Sky and Bailey will head back to the clubhouse and get everything going. Gunner, you and Scribe swing by the Irish Rose Tavern and grab some cases of beer. Scribe, put that damn phone down.”

“What?” The loveable hippie smirked. “Just letting the town know. The grapevine is clamoring for news.”

“I’m staying with Lidi,” Frank said firmly.

Nodding, King turned to Priest and Banks. “You two head to the grocery store. Grab what you can. Enigma, Sugar doesn’t leave your side. The rest of you gather what you can and meet us all back at the clubhouse.”

“Come on, Pheobe,” Sarah said, grabbing the young woman’s hand. “Let’s stop off at the coffee shop and raid my mom’s store. I’m sure she won’t mind.”

Turning, I smiled up at Enigma, who was standing behind me, holding me close. “I have some ready-made cakes in the freezer. Can we stop at the shop so I can get one?”

“Sure, Shug.” He winked, kissing my upturned nose. “Let’s go.”

Taking his hand, we’d just left the clinic when my phone rang.

Seeing my mom’s number, I connected the call. “Hi, Mom. How are the boys?”

“Oh, they are a handful, but wonderful. How are you?”

“Good.” I smirked as Eugene opened the passenger side of his truck, helping me inside before closing the door. “The club is celebrating. We just learned what Bailey and Skylar are having. A girl and a boy.”

“Oh, that’s fantastic! Tell them congratulations for me.”

“I will” I said as Eugene hopped in behind the wheel, starting his truck.

“And how is Eugene treating you?”

Looking at my best friend, I said, “He’s wonderful.”

“Wonderful, huh? That sounds promising. Always knew he was the one for you.”

Eugene chuckled, and I narrowed my eyes. Covering the receiver of my cell phone, I sneered, “Have you been talking with my mom?”

“Who, me?” Eugene gasped, smiling as he side-eyed me. “I would never.”

“Liar,” I scoffed, hearing my mom shout my name.

“I’m here, Mom.”

“You be nice to my Eugene. He’s a sweet boy and I like him. So does your dad.”

“Uh… huh.”

“Anyway, I’m calling to let you know the boys are having a blast. Wade has made them honorary members in his little boy club. He even had leather cuts made for them. Ben and Sean love them.”

Laughing, I looked at Eugene. “Wade made the boys honorary members of the Bourbon Kings. Cuts and all.”

Eugene narrowed his eyes. “My boys will never be Bourbon Kings. They are Sons of Hell all the way.”

“Sweetheart, I need to go. Your dad wants to go into town. I’m gonna send you some pictures later, so keep your phone close.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I muttered, staring at Eugene as my mom disconnected the call. Placing my phone in my lap, I said nothing when Eugene pulled up in front of Sugar’s Creamery, shutting off the engine.

Sighing, he leaned his arms over the steering wheel before turning his head to look at me. “I spoke too early, huh?”

“Eugene,” I carefully whispered. “You know nothing can come of this, right?”
