Page 48 of Enigma

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Chapter Sixteen



Looking up from what I was doing, I saw Cameron run over to the big man, who had been keeping me company for the last thirty minutes. Not that I needed company. In fact, I just wished everyone would leave me the hell alone.

I got they were worried, but there was no need.

I was good.

“Guess what?”

Frank smiled, snapping his fingers. “Oh, I know. Today is someone’s birthday.”

“Yep. I’m seven years old today! Isn’t that cool, Enigma?”

“Frank, I’m heading out,” I clearly said, placing my towel on the bar before heading for the front doors. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to watch Cameron celebrate his birthday because I did. I wanted to see his face when he saw the detective kit I got him. The kit came with everything the little snoop would need to do whatever it was he did.


“You’re not staying, Enigma?” Cameron asked as his voice wobbled.

Shit. I hurt him.

“Ms. Beth said there would be plenty of cake.”

Stopping, I kneeled in front of the little man, taking his hands in mine. “Sorry, dude. I’m not good company right now, but I wish you the best birthday ever.”

Cameron nodded, then hugged my neck tightly, whispering so only I could hear him, “I already made my birthday wish, Enigma. I wished for you and Sugar to be together.”

Closing my eyes, I hugged the kid tighter to me before letting him go.

Heading for my bike, I jumped on and started it up when my phone started pinging. Reaching into my cut, I glanced at my phone.

In the next instant, everything evaporated.

I didn’t think when I peeled out of the compound and headed for town.

Chapter Seventeen


Watching the merriment, I laughed as Cameron’s puppy chased him around the yard. I couldn’t wait for my daughter to arrive and join us. My family had grown over the last year and a half, and it was only going to get bigger. Everything I wanted was finally coming to fruition.

I’d married the love of my life, and soon, we too would have a child to love.

And as much as it pained me to admit, Cameron was right.

The Bettys outweighed the boys.

This club needed more men. Men that could protect the Bettys.

An idea came to me a few nights ago that would tip the scales, but I wasn’t sure how my brothers would feel about it. I knew Frank, Scribe and Priest would welcome the idea, but it was the others. The ones who grew up in Rosewood, like my own brothers, Gunner and Pyro, who wouldn’t understand. With Trip still in a coma, this club needed more brothers. I had a line on someone who would make a great addition to the club, but it was the others I was worried about.

The fact of the matter was, the Sons of Hell had always been a small club. We stuck to ourselves, only helping out when asked. We were legit, honest, tax-paying citizens, unlike some of our acquaintances. In the end, we were still a motorcycle club with a firm set of beliefs and those beliefs mirrored the others’. I was going to have to give it some further thought before I brought my idea to the club. It was good that time was on my side.

Hearing my phone ring, I groaned. Reaching for it, I frowned.
