Page 61 of Enigma

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“Enigma, I need you to dig deep in that brain of yours and try to remember,” King groaned, banging his head on the table. For the last several hours, we’ve all been holed up in church, going over every club business with a fine-tooth comb. Everything from appointments, receipts, billing, and renovations.

It was exhausting, and I just wanted to sleep.

“The bowling alley isn’t like the other businesses. I don’t keep records of who shows up. It’s a fucking bowling alley. Kids hang out there. Families show up for parties. It’s a fun place to hang out.”

“He’s right, King.” Scribe sighed, feeling my pain. As co-owner in the bowling alley, he was feeling King’s wrath as much as me. “We don’t even keep a record of names for shoe rentals. They give us two bucks and we hand over a pair of bowling shoes. It’s not rocket science.”

“What about the security cameras?”

“Scrubbed every night,” I muttered.

“Any regulars?” Gunner asked.

“You mean every teenager in Rosewood. Yeah. Take your pick.”

“This isn’t getting us anywhere.” Priest sighed, before yawning. “As of right now, the entire town is a suspect. I say we shelve this crap for tomorrow. We all need to rest.”

“Agreed.” Pyro stretched slowly, getting up as King nodded.

Following my brothers to the door, I stopped when I spotted Frank sitting at the table, frowning.

He had a puzzled look on his face.

Knowing none of the others would ask, I silently groaned before asking. “You okay, Frank?”

“I hate puzzles.”

“I know, big man. That’s why we’re heading to bed. A good night’s sleep will clear our heads. We can pick this up in the morning.”

Frank’s frown deepened when he leaned forward. “It’s all here. I know it is.”

“What is?”

“The answer.”

Rolling my eyes, I muttered, “I’m sure it is, Frank, but I’m too tired to help.”

“It’s all right. You go to bed,” he mumbled distractedly, shifting paperwork toward him while he started making all new piles of the paperwork. Saying nothing more, I lightly closed the door behind me, making sure Frank had the quiet he needed to figure out his puzzle.

Trudging up the stairs, I stopped to check on Ben and Sean, who were staying in Cameron’s room for the time being. Carefully opening Cameron’s door, I stood and stared as little Sean slept between Cameron and Ben, both boys protecting the littlest one. Smiling, I hoped Cameron got his wish. Two more manly men to join his little group, when I whispered, “I kept my promise. They are yours now. Teach them well, Cam.”

Quietly shutting the door behind me, I walked across the hall and opened my bedroom door to find Shug awake and looking at me.

“Hey, beautiful,” I said, closing the door behind me.

“Where are the boys?”

“Asleep in Cameron’s room, and your parents are here as well.”

“Is he really dead?”

Sitting on the bed next to her, I nodded. “Yeah, baby. He’s dead.”

“I killed him,” she whispered, tears forming in her eyes.

“No, you protected yourself. If you hadn’t pulled the trigger, I would have. How are you feeling?”
