Page 60 of Enigma

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“She’s right,” I muttered. “Sugar and I stopped at the Creamery the day of the ultrasounds. We saw Violet Peterson, the elementary school teacher, and Martha. Woman started spewing her filth. I threw it back in her face. She backed off before storming away.”

“And she never says anything when the kids are around,” Skylar added. “In fact, Cameron and I were in the library last week and we ran into Martha. She was very cordial to Cameron, though she didn’t say a word to me.”

“Has Martha said anything to you guys?” King asked, looking around the room at all the brothers, who shook their heads, me included. “So, if it’s not Martha, then who in this town could it be?”

“My guess, whatever is happening is because of Sugar. Not blaming the woman. She’s innocent, but my gut is telling me it’s something to do with Sugar.” Priest said thoughtfully.

“Then that means we need to know every rumor about Sugar and who said it.” King sighed, looking at me.

Fuck, this was going to be brutal.

Thank God, Sugar was still recuperating upstairs.

I didn’t want her to hear the shit we were all about to discuss.

It would destroy her.

“The biggest rumor is her marriage to John Stanley.” Bailey shrugged.

“Followed closely by Ben’s paternity,” Mrs. Potter solemnly admitted.

“Don’t forget the rumor that it was Sugar who instigated the fights between her and John,” Dev added.

“Or the fact that most of the town thinks she lied on the stand,” Claudia stated.

“So, the bulk of the rumors are about Sugar and her relationship with John Stanley?”

Several heads nodded.

“I was deployed when Sugar married John. Why did she marry John Stanley? Last I heard he was engaged to Margaret Cohen, then he up and marries Sugar? Why? Did they even run in the same circles?” King asked, looking at the Potters.

“Your guess is as good as ours, King.” Mrs. Potter sighed. “Sugar wasn’t even supposed to be in Rosewood after high school. She received a full scholarship to Virginia Tech. She wanted to become a licensed therapist, but a few weeks before fall quarter started, Sugar told us she wasn’t going to school, instead she was marrying John Stanley. We didn’t know what to think.”

“Wait a minute.” I sat up, looking at Sugar’s parents. “Shug got accepted to college and didn’t tell me?”

“Focus, Enigma.” King groaned. “Mr. Potter, did she give you any hint why she made the sudden change?”

“No,” the man said, shaking his head. “And she refused to talk about it, too. Every time we brought it up, she would shut down.”

A low chuckle from the corner of the room had everyone turning as Gator crossed his arms over his broad chest while the rest of the Bourbon Kings looked bored.

“Got something to add, Gator?” King sneered. “Then say it.”

“You are going about this all wrong. It’s not the rumors or who is spreading them. You just said my cousin’s home burned to the ground. Police raided three of your businesses and found drugs. Pyro said his woman had a deputy just search his worksite. And if I’m correct, the police are coming here next.”

“That’s right,” Priest confirmed.

“What do all of those places have in common?”

“They belong to the Sons of Hell,” Gunner quickly said.

Gator shook his head.

“Oh man,” I groaned, realizing what Gator was suggesting. “They are all public places.”

“Exactly.” Gator smirked. “Find the common denominator and you will find the person you are looking for.”

Chapter Twenty-One
