Page 64 of Enigma

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That was the consensus.

All eyes were on Cameron as he took a deep breath and puffed up his little chest before he marched forward, extending his little hand. “Thank you for coming, Mrs. Cohen.”

“Yeah.” Benny nodded, backing up his friend while looking at his little Avenger watch, I got him for Christmas. “And on time too.”

“Boys,” Skylar whispered. “What is going on?”

“Not now, Sissy.” Cameron waved his sister off, standing his ground. “This is manly business.”

Giving the two boys her undivided attention. Martha shook both the boys’ hands before remarking. “I received your invitation. May we sit down?”

Cameron waved his little hand over to one of the tables, as Ben moved to pull a chair out for the older woman to sit. Once seated, Ben and Cameron moved to the opposite side, each sitting, never taking their eyes off the older woman.

“What the hell is going on?” King whispered, his eyes glued to the scene before him, while the rest of the brothers and women piled into the main room to watch the fireworks.

“Your guess is as good as ours.” Scribe smirked, leaning on the bar, equally enthralled with the scene before him. Had to admit, I was intrigued, too. It was like watching a live version of The Godfather.

I couldn’t wait to see how it was going to end.

“Thank you for coming,” Cameron began, leaning forward on the table, crossing his little hands as he held the woman’s attention. “I asked you to come to the clubhouse because we can’t drive yet. I hope you understand.”

“I understand. How may I help you?”

Cameron looked at Ben, who took a deep breath before saying, “There are a lot of rumors going around town about my mom. I want them to stop. My mom is a good mom, Mrs. Cohen. The best. She ain’t had it easy, and I’m really tired of hearing my mom cry. I want her to be happy, and Enigma makes her happy. I want him to be my dad ‘cause he loves my mom. But Mom won’t marry Enigma because of the rumors. So, I want you to help me stop them.”


“By being our friend.”

“Yeah, what Ben said.” Cameron nodded.

“What?” the older woman gasped.

Both boys nodded.

“You see, Ms. Violet, our teacher, told us that bullies are just sad, lonely people who don’t have any friends. So, Ben and I got to thinking. If we agreed to become your friend, then you wouldn’t be alone anymore.”

Ben smiled. “Yeah, and because we would be friends, then you wouldn’t need to be mean to my mom anymore, because you would have us.”

Martha sniffed. “You want to be my friends?”

“Sure.” Cameron shrugged. “Everyone needs friends. Doesn’t matter how old they are. All that matters is that your friends have your back.”

“So, what do you say, Mrs. Cohen?” Ben smirked. “Want to be our friend?”

Martha leaned back in the chair, narrowing her eyes. “I don’t know. I’m pretty set in my ways. I can be stubborn, too. What comes with this friendship?”

Cameron smirked wickedly.

I knew that smirk.

The little shit was up to something.

After whispering with Ben for a few seconds, the little shit grinned and said, “Ben and I agree to visit you once a week at your house. When we are there, we can watch TV, play games, help you with manly things, like mowing the yard or taking out the trash.”

“Three times a week, we read a book, the both of you agree to piano lessons and you still help me out with the manly things.”

“Twice a week, manly things, and you are invited to all future birthdays.”
