Page 65 of Enigma

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“Twice a week at my house, manly things and piano lessons. My final offer.”

Cameron and Ben huddled together, whispering adamantly, before Cameron turned to Mrs. Cohen and sighed. “Fine, we agree. But I have a question. Why piano lessons?”

“Because, young man, music soothes the soul,” Mrs. Cohen stated flatly, getting to her feet, brushing the wrinkles out of her clothes. “Now, as you two are now my friends, I would appreciate some privacy while I talk with your parents.”

Both boys nodded, as they slowly got up from the table and headed outside. The second the boys were out of sight, King walked over to greet the older woman.


“Got your hands full with those two, Callum.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Sugar and Skylar both rushed over to Martha. “I am so sorry, Martha. I had no idea Cameron asked you to come up to the clubhouse.”

“No need to apologize. Boys will be boys.” The older woman sniffed, looking away from everyone. “They remind me so much of my Henry. So full of spirit.”

“I haven’t seen Henry in years. How is he?” Gunner asked nonchalantly, hugging Sarah to him.

Martha flinched before covering her face with her hands, sobbing.

Before I could stop her, Sugar wrapped her arms around the old woman. “Oh, Martha. When?”

“Two years ago,” Martha barely said, wiping her eyes. “I didn’t want anyone to know.”

“Why?” Bailey asked, confused.

“Because my son went down the wrong path. It’s my fault, really. I pushed him too hard. If I hadn’t been so strict with him, maybe he would have turned out differently.”

“Martha, come sit,” Sugar suggested softly, escorting Martha back to one of the tables. “Skylar, can you please get Martha a cup of Earl Gray with lemon?”

Martha gasped. “You remembered.”

Sugar smiled warmly, nodding, sitting beside her. “I still drink it just the way you taught me.”

“Martha, I wished you would have told me. I could have helped,” Claudia offered, taking a seat. “I see you every month and you said nothing. Grief is hard enough but going through it alone. It’s unbearable.”

“How did Henry die, Martha?” King asked.

“Liver failure. He drank himself to death,” the woman admitted. “I tried getting him help after Margaret passed, but Henry took her death hard. They were so close. When Margaret died, something inside Henry died too. There was nothing I could do.”

“Here you go, Martha.” Skylar smiled, placing a hot cup of tea before her. “I also brought some scones and a few cookies. They are fresh. Beth dropped them off this morning. My mom told me tea is best with scones.”

“Thank you, my dear,” she said, picking up the cup and taking a tentative sip before placing it back on the small saucer. Turning to Sugar, Martha took a deep breath and spoke, “Sugar, I want to apologize…”

Sugar shook her head, placing her hand over Martha’s. “There is no need, Martha. It’s all in the past. I just want to forget about it all and move forward. There was a time when I thought we were good friends. I would like the chance to be again.”

“That is very gracious of you, but I fear she won’t allow that.”

“Who?” I asked, taking the seat next to Shug. “Who won’t allow Shug to move forward?”

“Jane Stanley. John’s sister. She is the one behind all the rumors. While I’m not proud of how I treated you, Sugar, I want you to know, I never condoned what John did to you. I was very proud of you when you found the courage to leave him when you did. That was very brave of you.”

“Wait a minute.” King held up his hand, halting Martha. “Jane is behind all the rumors? Why? Why does Jane hate Sugar so much?”

Martha turned to King and simply said, “Because she married John.”

“That makes no sense.”
