Page 68 of Enigma

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This was the first time in weeks I could stand on my own two feet without getting winded. While my ribs still ached occasionally, I would not let a brief twinge of pain stop me from living my life.

I had a business to run and that was final.

With Martha’s revelation and her sincere apology, I felt lighter, happier, like a heavy rock had been lifted off my shoulders.

I felt free.

Finally free to live my life and I wasn’t going to let anyone stop me.

Not even Eugene.

“Eugene. Go away. You are bugging me.”

“Gonna piss you off in a moment if you don’t take a damn break, woman,” he growled, crossing his arms over his chest. “You are still healing and need to take it easy.”

I would have laughed at him if I didn’t think it would hurt his feelings, but seeing Eugene puff up his chest and glare at me was hilarious. It was cute thinking he was in charge.

If he only knew the truth.

“Sugar, leave bee-boy alone and come sit with us!” I heard Devlyn shout from my small store lobby. Groaning, I slapped my dishrag on the counter before untying my apron. Knowing that the girls were camped out in the front of my store annoyed me to no end. While I appreciated their concern, I was fine. But having Eugene hovering over me like some mother hen was too much.

Shoving past the annoying man, I huffed all the way to the small table and plopped my ass next to Bailey, who chuckled. “You know, I’ve learned that morning orgasms go a long way to quell a bossy alpha temper. Maybe you should try it one morning and see how your day goes. King is a complete beast if he doesn’t get his morning nookie-nookie.”

“Gunner’s the same. I swear he’s on a mission to get me pregnant again.”

I chuckled at that because she was right.

I heard Gunner whispering to Pyro the night before about that very thing. Man was determined to have his wife pregnant again before the fourth of July.

“Anyone hear from Phoebe?” Henley asked.

Everyone shook their heads.

“No,” I muttered. “I tried calling her, but her phone went straight to voicemail.”

Priest and Phoebe left the clubhouse in the early hours of the morning without fanfare. No goodbyes, nothing. We all just woke up to them both gone. None of the girls knew why, and King and Scribe were keeping a tight lid on their departure. When asked, both muttered the standard ‘club business’ reply. Whatever was going on was big, as only Scribe and King were privy to why they left.

Changing the subject, I smirked. “So, tell me, Dev. How are things with my cousin?”

The infuriated woman growled, and all the ladies chuckled.

“Rumor has it that someone was spotted sneaking out of your apartment a few nights ago, Devlyn. Inquiring minds want to know. What’s it like wrestling a Gator?” Claudia snickered.

“Exhausting,” Dev groaned. “Asshole won’t relent.”

“I read that when a gator gets a good bite, they don’t let go. They hold on tightly until their prey submits.” Jess smirked.

“I heard a twelve-gauge shotgun works wonders,” Dev clipped as the girls laughed.

“You can’t shoot him, Sis.” Henley chuckled, shaking her head. “If he’s really bothering you, then tell him to leave you alone.”

“I have!” Dev shouted, getting to her feet. “The stupid Cajun won’t listen. He thinks I’m playing hard to get!”

“Think of it this way, Devlyn.” Claudia grinned. “Gators are descendants of dragons, so technically, you are wrangling your own dragon.”

Gathering her bag, Devlyn Never stormed out of my shop muttering about Jon Snow, swords, and setting a gator on fire.

“And on that note, ladies, I need to head back to the clinic,” Claudia groaned, getting to her feet. “Sugar, don’t forget your appointment later today.”
