Page 69 of Enigma

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Moments after Claudia left, my shop door opened again as Cameron and Ben ran in, followed closely by Skylar and Martha Cohen.

“Mom!” Ben shouted, hugging me. “Guess what? Mrs. Cohen has a pet parrot and it talks!”

Smiling, I said, “I know. How is Mr. Willoughby?”

“He is so cool!”

“Yes, he is. And were you on your best behavior?”

“Benjamin was a perfect gentleman, Sugar,” Martha admitted. “You taught him well.”

“Thank you, Martha.”

It still felt strange after all these years to have a civil conversation with Martha, but easy as I remembered the times I, too, would spend time at her house, when I was a young, naïve schoolgirl.

“Now, we only stopped by to inform you that Skylar and I are taking the boys to the library. Apparently, the boys neglected to inform us they have an English project due soon and neither has started it.”

“And who better to make sure they get it done and done correctly?”

“Exactly.” Martha smirked, straightening her shoulders while she stared at the two boys. “School work first, then the fun.”

Both boys groaned, their shoulders slouching as Martha ushered them out of my shop.

Skylar sat and sighed. “Wow. That woman doesn’t take no for an answer. Poor Cameron has met his match. Who knew Martha Cohen loved kids?”

“I did,” I admitted. “Growing up in Rosewood, I spent many hours with Martha, learning all kinds of things. So did Eugene. Martha came from a big family. She was one of seven children, and when she married Mr. Cohen, she wanted a big family like the one she grew up in, but that never happened. After having Margaret, there were complications. She was never able to have another. So, she opened her home to all the kids in town, helping mothers and fathers when they needed a break or just wanted an hour or so to themselves.”

“That just sounds odd, considering how she’s treated you over the last several years,” Bailey quipped.

“Margaret’s death hit her hard, Bailey. No parent should lose a child, and remember, she’s lost Henry too.”

“Well, I like this new Martha.” Skylar grinned. “She is smart and quick-witted. Though, I think she has met her match with Cam. My brother could test the patience of a saint.”

We all laughed.

Truer words were never spoken.

Gathering my bag and locking up my store, I looked at the clock and knew if I hurried, I would make it to the clinic just in time for my appointment with Claudia.

Hastily, I made my way down the street when I heard someone shout. “Sugar! Wait up!”

Turning, I smiled, seeing Fiona Mitchell running towards me. Fiona was all legs and rail thin, but beautiful, with her chestnut hair and striking green eyes. The girl was runway-model beautiful. She was also the newest ward of Martha Steiner, also known as Granny to the Sons of Hell motorcycle club, and just for some added drama, she was also the birth mother of Charlie, Claudia and Frank’s adoptive son.

Yeah, that was gonna be an interesting holiday get-together when Charlie got older, but everyone seemed to be happy with how things worked out. Lidi and Frank got Charlie, Mrs. Steiner got a new protégé, and the club brothers all got a little sister to protect, so to speak, but the rumor around town was that Mrs. Steiner was grooming Fiona to rule the world.

Cameron better watch out.

He now had competition.

“Geez, I almost didn’t make it,” Fiona gasped in deep breaths. “I ran all the way from the bowling alley, and let me tell you, boy was I glad to see Pyro when he showed up. Those kids are nuts! Then Mr. Howard spotted me and wanted to chat for a bit. Girl, did you know a hammer isn’t just used for hammering nails? Who knew! Then Mrs. Cohen stopped me and proceeded to lecture me on ladylike behavior, and before I knew it, she was inviting me over to her place for etiquette lessons. I had to look up what etiquette meant on Google. It doesn’t sound fun. You don’t think she’s gonna make me wear a dress, do you? I hate dresses.”

Oh, yeah… Fiona liked to talk.


“Well, you are here now. What’s up?”

“Oh, Scribe texted me. He asked me to walk you to your appointment at the clinic.”
