Page 72 of Enigma

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“Hey, Mrs. Potter. Have you seen Sugar? No, I will have a brother swing by and pick them up. Okay. Thanks,” I muttered, disconnecting the call before informing everyone, “Mrs. Potter said that she’s had the boys since Martha dropped them off this afternoon. She hasn’t seen Sugar at all.”

“Who was the last person to see Sugar?” King shouted, getting everyone’s attention.

“The girls and I saw her at lunch,” Claudia admitted.

“And I left shortly after to train the new kid,” I added.

“I stopped by around three,” Gunner informed. “She was busy with customers.”

“I remember my mom saying she was going to swing by before closing to place an order for Dad’s birthday,” Sarah advised.

“Was anyone there when she closed?” I groaned, reaching for my keys.

When no one piped up, King growled, “Go, Enigma. I’ll call Mike.”

Not needing permission, I made it halfway to the door when my phone rang. “It’s Mike.”

Answering the call, I stiffened when I heard Mike say that some jackass accosted Sugar and Fiona in town and that I needed to get to the police station fast.

“Go,” King shouted. “Pyro just called. We’ll meet you there!”

Running for my truck, I wasted no time and headed down the mountain.

A short time later, I pulled into a parking spot in front of the police station and several bikes pulled in beside me. Jumping out of my truck, I ran inside with my club brothers behind me.

Fiona gasped the second she saw George and ran to him. As soon as she reached him, he held her tightly to him, trying to soothe her fears.

“Where the hell is Sugar?” I demanded, looking around the station, unable to see her.

“She’s in with Mike, Eugene,” Linda admitted. “Take a seat. She will be out shortly.”

“Like fucking hell I will,” I growled, walking past the front desk and heading straight for Mike’s office. Not bothering to knock, I barged right in to find Sugar sitting in a chair as Mike loomed over her.

“Get the fuck away from her.”

“Enigma, calm down,” I barely heard King say as I stared the sheriff down.

I liked Mike. He was a good guy. Never had cause to distrust him, but seeing him standing so close to Sugar, knowing what happened, I didn’t trust anyone around my woman.

Not after the way this town has treated her all these years.

“Not asking again, Mike.”

The sheriff took a step back, which allowed Sugar to run to me. Gathering her close, I held her as her body shook uncontrollably.

“I want that motherfucker prosecuted to the full extent of the law.”

“I want the same, but Sugar is refusing to press charges,” Mike advised.

“I want to go home. Please take me home, Eugene.”

Looking at King, who shrugged, I turned back to Mike, who also looked at a loss for words. We all knew that unless Sugar pressed charges, shit like this would continue. The fact was, Sugar needed to stand up for herself and say enough is enough. Until then, the town would continue to belittle and harass her.


“No,” she adamantly stated. “I’m not pressing charges.”

“Oh yes, you are, young lady,” Granny, also known as Martha Steiner, Frank and George’s grandmother, said sternly as she pushed past King to get to Sugar. “Enough is enough. It’s time you raised your voice and shouted to the world, no more.”
