Page 8 of Enigma

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Only this time, there wouldn’t be another damn trial.

Fucker was getting a funeral.

Passing Rosewood Lake, I slowed, making a sharp left-hand turn onto Distillery Lane. Racing up the drive, I saw the club’s distillery up ahead. The Sons of Hell produced a top-shelf whiskey called Hell’s Breath. The robust whiskey had a kick to it, followed closely by a slow burn. There was nothing else like it on the market, which made production of Hell’s Breath a major cash cow for the club. Now that Frank had come up with a new blend, Hell’s Inferno, King was looking to expand distribution into other markets, including those overseas.

Slamming on my brakes, my truck skidded to a stop a mere inch from the building. Grabbing my bat and gun, I jumped from my truck just as I heard another vehicle coming down the road. Turning, I stood there while King pulled his truck up next to mine.

Not waiting for an invitation, I threw open the passenger door, unbuckled Sugar’s seat belt and pulled her toward me.

She was shaking from head to toe as she nestled her head deep in my chest, her hands gripping my shirt tightly.

“What’s the plan?”

“You and Sugar are staying here until further notice. No communication with anyone, Enigma. I want her completely locked down until that motherfucker is in custody.”

“The boys?”

“With their grandparents, heading to Louisiana. I’ll call the Bourbon Kings when I get back to the clubhouse. Gator can take care of the boys and Sugar’s parents while they are there. In the meantime, keep her here. Bailey and Beth will pick up some clothing and supplies for the both of you. I can’t stress this enough, Enigma. Stay the fuck here.”

Holding up my hand, I stopped my president. “I understand clearly, Prez. Shug is one of my closest friends. I saw what that fucker did to her. Bastard isn’t getting anywhere near her again. Got my word, brother.”

“Good,” King said, hopping back into his truck. “Keep your phone close, brother. Will text with updates. Any problems, I expect you to take care of it. Got me?”

“Loud and clear,” I replied, before King pulled out of the parking lot, leaving Sugar and me alone. Holding her tightly, I kissed the top of her head and whispered, “It’s going to be alright, Shug. I’ve got you now.”

Ushering her inside, I directed her towards the spare room Frank kept at the distillery. Everyone knew when Frank was elbow deep in a problem, he’d spend hours, even days here at the distillery until he figured it out.

Passing his lab, I stopped and frowned.

“What the hell?”

“What?” Sugar asked, looking up at me.

“Why does Frank have my sister’s name on a whiteboard?”

Looking through the glass window, Sugar whispered, “He’s got my name on there too.”

“Oh my God,” I groaned, shaking my head. “That fucker is still trying to figure out who his white rabbit is. Look. The name of every female who was at the New Year’s Eve party is on that list. The only names not marked out are Scribe’s sisters, Devlyn, you, and Lidi.”

“Well, it wasn’t me. I was with you that night.” Sugar smirked. “But I know who he was with.”

“Who?” I smiled, eager to know something before my brothers.

“Don’t know if I should tell you. You tend to overreact.”

“Do not. I’m as cool as a cucumber, Shug.”

“Says the man holding a Louisville Slugger and hiding a .357 at his back. Yeah, I felt the gun, Eugene.”

“I’m prepared for anything. Learned that in the Boy Scouts.”

“You were never in the Boy Scouts,” Sugar deadpanned.

“Maybe so, but I’ve learned a thing or two, and the number one thing I learned was to always be prepared for anything.”

Stepping back, Sugar placed her hands on her hips, cocked her head to the side, and asked. “Oh really. Did you remember your Epi-Pen?”

Well shit…
