Page 9 of Enigma

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Chapter Four


“I’m dying!”

Rolling my eyes, I tried to ignore Eugene as he flailed like an annoying fish on the floor. God, he reminded me so much of my boys.

Prepared for everything, my ass.

I loved my best friend. I really did, but sometimes Eugene was nothing more than an overgrown baby.

For the last two days, the club’s distillery became our home away from home, and in that time, it was like we were little kids again. We laughed, played every damn game Frank had hidden in the closet, we watched movies and even snuck out one night to stargaze. It was like time had taken us both back to when we were kids.

When we were both the happiest.

Laying on Frank’s bed, I flipped the page of the magazine I was reading, trying hard to ignore Eugene. “You are not dying.”

“Something bit me! I know it did.”

“Nothing bit you.”

“Check again!”

Placing the magazine next to me, I sat up. “Eugene, nothing bit you. You probably pulled a hair on your arm. It’s nothing.”

“I don’t have any hair on my arms. Oh, this is it! I can feel it. I’m swelling,” the big baby cried as he squeezed and rubbed his arm.

“Oh, good grief,” I groaned, getting to my feet. “Take off your damn shirt.”

“What?” he gasped.

“You heard me. Take it off.” I stood glaring down at him.

Gulping, Eugene said nothing more while he removed his shirt.

Now it was my turn to gasp.

Son of a bitch.

He was right.

Fucker was smoother than a baby’s butt!

More importantly, when the hell did he start working out? Holy hell, were those muscles there when I spent the night with him on New Year’s Eve?

Blinking a few times, I tried to get his image out of my head.

“Give me your arm.”

Instantly he thrust his toned, muscled appendage in my face and closed his eyes, waiting for me to give him the bad news.

Rolling my eyes, I took a closer look, making sure to leave no skin untouched, when I saw a small dead spider on his forearm where it had bitten him. Quickly flicking the dead carcass away, I knew better than to tell Eugene he was right. That would throw him into hysterics.

Instead, I took the sane, logical approach.

I lied my ass off.

“Eugene, I don’t see anything. Yes, you are a little red, but that can be from you rubbing your arm. Are you feeling any different? Breathing okay? Heart rate normal?”
