Page 80 of Enigma

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To make things more interesting, it seemed that both women had a lot more in common than anyone thought, and they soon became good friends.

“You should know, Martha, that your Fiona has the gift. She is learning the piano faster than I can teach her. You might want to look at getting her a proper tutor.”

“I was thinking the same thing, Martha. Maybe we can get together sometime next week and you can help me find her the best.”

“I would love to.”

Placing a club soda in front of Jess, I looked up when the bitch herself walked in. “Look alive, Jess. Your fun has just arrived.”

Jess smiled, picking up the club soda while she smoothly turned on her stool just as Jane Stanley walked past. And just like a scene out of a movie, Jess got to her feet and oops… wouldn’t you know it, her club soda spilled all over Jane.

“I’m so sorry!” Jessica cried loudly, getting everyone’s attention.

“You stupid bitch!” Jane shouted angrily as she tried to wipe off the club soda. “This dress costs more than you make in a month!”

“And I said I was sorry,” Jess snarked. “But really, you could have bought that same dress at Walmart for $14.95.”

“Too bad she doesn’t have the ass to fill it out like you, Jess,” Granny added happily.

“Really?” Jess smiled eagerly while she tried to turn around to look at her ass. “I never thought I had an ass. I mean, Savage loves my ass. He’s always trying to fuck it.”

“Totally fuckable ass, Jess,” I chuckled. “If I wasn’t married, I’d fuck your ass.”

“You would?”

“Oh yeah.” I smirked, resting my hands on the bar. “Beautiful ass.”

“You ruined my dress!”

“Here,” Jess said, grabbing her purse as she reached in and pulled out a twenty-dollar bill, handing it to Jane. “That should cover it.”

“Twenty bucks! This dress cost four grand!”

“Told ya.” Jess sighed. “Walmart sells the same dress for less.”

“I have never shopped at Walmart!”

“Really, it’s a great place with low prices.”

“Look, bitch, either you pay to replace this dress, or I will sue your ass.”

“See, Jess, even Jane thinks you have an ass,” Mrs. Cohen added.

“I do, don’t I?” Jessica smiled happily as several of the men in the tavern raised their glasses in salute. When Jess turned to sit back down, Jane grabbed her by the shoulder, spun her back around, and got in her face.

Ah shit.

This wasn’t going to end well.

Sighing, I picked up my phone and sent a quick text, just as Mrs. Cohen and Granny swiftly moved from their seats.

“I’ve fucking had it with you and your fucking kind. and I’m tired of it. Now you either pay me what I’m owed or I’m kicking your ass.”

Everyone held their breath when Jessica Montclair Keller, the niece of the Montclair Brothers and a motorcycle club Queen in her own right, smirked, getting right in Jane Stanley’s face. “Just remember, you touched me first.”

“What?” Jane gasped.

Chapter Twenty-Seven
