Page 87 of Enigma

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“Is that so?” I smirked.

“Yeah. So, what do you say, Shug? Ready to spend the rest of your life with your best friend?”

“Do I get to clean out your dresser?”

Eugene grinned. “Only if I can give them to the boys.”

“I have no problem with that.”

“Oh God,” Claudia groaned. “Please tell me you still don’t have that stupid Lego set?”

“It’s a collector’s item,” Eugene snarked at his sister.

“Dude!” Gunner piped up. “You had Lego this whole time and didn’t tell me? What the fuck, man? You know I love Lego.”

“How old are you again?” Sarah asked, glaring at her husband.

“Never too old for Lego,” Scribe added.

“I still have my Matchbox collection.” Banks smiled proudly.

“King still has a toy train set packed away in his closet,” Bailey said, throwing shade at her husband.

“The one Grandad gave you?” Pyro questioned. “I asked you for that before Christmas. You said you didn’t have it anymore. I wanted to give it to Cameron, asshole.”

“It’s mine,” King huffed, crossing his arms. “Gonna give it to my son.”

“You’re having a daughter, King,” Pyro clipped.

“Gonna have a boy next.”

“Not if I have anything to say about it. I said one kid. Not a litter,” Bailey snarked.

As Eugene’s family erupted in animated conversation, I looked at the man who I loved dearly and whispered, “You sure about these people? They are a bit crazy.”

Eugene grinned, pulling me close as he whispered in my ear, “Yeah, they are, but they are our kind of crazy, Shug. Marry me?”

“I can’t think of anything better to do.”

About an hour later, I found myself standing in front of Judge Tomlinson, at the Rosewood Municipal Building, dressed in a pretty white spring dress that Sarah bought for me, as the older man grinned from ear to ear.

“Gotta say, when I saw this on my docket for the day, I couldn’t have been happier. It’s not every day, I can say I stood by and watched two kids who grew up together, friends from the start, realize that what they’ve both been looking for was right in front of them the entire time. To marry your best friend is a gift. It’s the best kind of love. One that should never be taken lightly. Because as you both start this new journey together, not only will you have the one you cherish the most at your side, but your best friend. The one person who will always have your back, understand you, be there for you until the end.”

Looking at Eugene, I knew what Judge Tomlinson was saying was the truth. Never again would I be alone or afraid because I would have Eugene with me, holding my hand, laughing with me as we moved forward.

“Eugene Michael James, do you take Sugar Anne Potter—”

“Sure do, Judge!” he shouted as everyone laughed.

“Boy, I wasn’t finished!”

“But I do, Judge.”

“I know you do, but you gotta let me say the words!”


“Boy, I’ve never had to place a groom in contempt before, but if you want to be the first, I will oblige,” Judge Tomlinson threatened as he pointed his gavel at Eugene, who paled.
