Page 88 of Enigma

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“Sorry, Judge.”

Judge Tomlinson grunted as he looked at King. “He always like this, King?”

King chuckled. “He’s worse.”

“My sympathies,” the old coot muttered. “Sugar, you sure about this boy?”

Smiling up at Eugene, I nodded. “Yes, Judge.”

“Alrighty then. If there are no objections, I will continue.”

However, before Eugene could kiss me, the strangest thing happened.

I fainted.

I woke to find myself in one of Claudia’s rooms at her clinic, where she was checking my blood pressure and heart rate.

“Welcome back to the land of the living.”

Groggily, I looked around the room. “What happened?”

“You fainted the second the judge said you may now kiss the bride.” Bailey laughed, licking an ice-cream cone. “Funniest shit I’ve ever seen.”

“Where is Eugene?”

“He’s in the next room,” Claudia groaned, rolling her eyes. “The second you fainted my stupid brother went into a panic attack. Started hyperventilating so badly, it took King and Banks to calm him down. George is with him now, making sure he keeps that oxygen mask on.”

“Why did I faint?”

“You married Enigma. ‘Nuff said. I’d faint too if I was going to be shackled to him for the rest of my life.” Bailey chuckled.

“I’ve run some tests, but so far everything is coming back normal. Did you eat anything today?”

“I had breakfast.”

Helping me to sit up, Claudia smiled. “It’s probably nothing and just nerves. Let me go see if Jess got your bloodwork back. Bailey, be nice.”

“I’m always nice!”

Groaning, I muttered, “I can’t believe I fainted at my wedding.”

“At least you didn’t panic. Scribe lost his fucking mind when he saw Henley. Brother still hasn’t gotten his mancard back. I wouldn’t worry too much. Besides, it’s Enigma that everyone’s laughing at. You should have seen it, Sugar. The second you went down, the man lost his shit. Never laughed so hard in my life.”

A knock at the door had us both turning as Sarah poked her head in. “Heard you were awake. Want some company?”

I nodded.

Sarah threw open the door and yelled, “SHE’S AWAKE!”

The next thing I knew everyone was piling into my room asking questions a mile a minute. I couldn’t keep up. Instead, I raised my hand, stopping everyone, and simply said, “I’m fine.”

“Make a hole!” I heard Scribe shout as Eugene stumbled into the room.

The second he saw me, he smiled. “Hi, Shug.”

“How are you feeling?”

“I should be asking you that.”
