Page 89 of Enigma

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“I’m fine. I just want to get out of here.”

“Damn it, Enigma,” George Steiner, brother of Frank and the newest club brother of the Sons of Hell, growled. “I said five more minutes.”

“I’m fine. Leave me alone.”

“I’d listen to Care Bear, Enigma. He’s the doc after all,” Cameron piped up as every brother stopped moving to look at the young brat.

“What?” Cameron whispered, taking a step back.

“What did you just call Georgie?” Frank grinned from ear to ear, turning quickly to King, who was trying unsuccessfully to hide his smile, as all the other brothers lost the plot, laughing uncontrollably.

I was missing something.

Before Cameron could utter another word, George picked up the kid and slapped his hand over Cameron’s mouth. “Kid said nothing. He’s delusional!”

“Drop the kid,” King ordered, chuckling. “That’s an order.”

Grumbling, George placed Cameron on his feet.

“Do you know what you just did, Cameron?” King asked as Cameron looked up at him confused. Bending down to his level, King added, “When a brother joins a motorcycle club, he doesn’t get to choose his club name. Most brothers go for years without one, but sometimes someone will say something, and it sticks. And you just did that. Do you understand?”

Cameron shook his head. “But I didn’t say anything.”

Frank walked over and picked up his little buddy and laughed. “Oh, but you did, little man. You just gave Georgie his club name.”

“I did?”

“I am not going to be called that!” George shouted before storming off.

Laughing, Frank followed, yelling at his brother’s retreating form. “Oh, come on, Care Bear. It’s not that bad. I like it. It’s a real manly name!”

The room erupted in laughter as Claudia reappeared with Jessica behind her. “What’s going on?”

“Cameron just gave George his club name,” Gunner gasped, as he wiped the tears streaming down his face. “Brother is never going to live that name down. Ever.”

Looking at Claudia, I asked, “Can I leave now?”

“Yep. Got the bloodwork back. I know why you fainted.”

Reaching for Eugene’s hand, my husband took a deep breath and said, “Give it to us straight, Sis. Is it cancer? Does my girl have appendicitis? If she needs my liver, she can have it. Just tell me what it is so I can fix it for her.”

Claudia simply replied, “You can’t fix this, but you will be paying for it for the next nine months. Sugar’s pregnant.”

“Excuse me!” I shouted, making Eugene flinch. “How is that possible? My tubes are tied!”

Claudia narrowed her eyes and glared at her brother. “Tell me you told her? You said you would take care of it.”

Eugene muttered, “Shit happened, and I forgot, okay?”

“Forgot what?” I asked, looking from Claudia to Eugene.

“Fine. Okay, so remember when you woke up in the hospital after everything happened? Well, Lidi told me she had to do a DMV.”

“A DNC you idiot!”

“Yeah, that thing. Apparently one of the clamps—”

Claudia growled. “Clips.”
