Page 104 of Shared By the Firemen

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Present Day

“Okay, now turn and walk away from me,” I told the couple I was shooting. “I’ll get some shots with the sunset in the background.”

They did as I instructed, holding hands and walking toward the sunset. I snapped away with my camera, glanced at the photos, and then smiled. “All right! That’s the thirty minutes. I have a lot of great shots here, and I’ll send them to you by Monday at the latest.”

The couple thanked me, then left. I opened the Flytography app and marked our session as complete, then noticed the other notifications waiting for me. I had seven more sessions requests for the next week. Clearwater was a smaller pond than New York, but that meant I was a bigger fish. Fewer photographers competing for business on the app. Maybe it would be worth sticking around an extra week, even though Mateo’s accounting help meant we would finish up at the store sooner than expected.

I started walking back to my car, which was parked a few blocks away. While walking, I texted Brandi.

Me: Sorry about the big fight we had in front of the store today. I’m still really embarrassed about it.

Brandi: Okay, I get it. You don’t need to apologize every hour on the hour like you’re the weather channel.

Brandi: If you’re going to apologize to anyone, it’s Jack. He was helping us with everything at the store when you lost your shit at him.

Me: He lost his shit at me! The argument was mutual. He owes me an apology just as much.

Brandi: If you say so.

Me: Yes! I do say so!

Brandi: Mmm hmm.

Me: Don’t take that tone with me.

Brandi: It’s a text message. There is no tone.

Me: There’s definitely an implied tone.

Brandi: Either way, stop apologizing. I’m glad you two finally had a big blow-up. You two have been dancing around your emotions ever since you got here. If you ask me, you should have had a big fight on day one. It would have made everything much simpler.

Me: I didn’t ask you.

Brandi: Yeah, well, I’m your sister. My opinion is always on retainer. I’m like a bitchy lawyer.

Me: LOL, you’re at least half right

Brandi: HEY


Me: You know I love you.

Brandi: I know. Which is why I’m giving you my honest opinion about everything. You and Jack had a big fight at the pool party years ago, and there was a lot of unresolved emotions surrounding it. The way you two have acted around each other for the past two weeks proves that. I’m glad you finally got it all out.

Me: I’m not sure we resolved anything, though.

Brandi: Sometimes it’s not about resolution. Sometimes it’s about hearing the other person, and being heard.

Brandi: Speaking of being heard, I’m officially requesting Thai for dinner. Pick it up on the way home from your shoot?

Me: I’ll grab a bottle of wine, too.

Brandi: See? This is why I love you.

I looked up from my phone. I could hear sirens in the distance. There was a plume of black smoke over to my right, a little beyond the parking garage where my car was. It was still early, and I was curious, so I continued walking past the garage to see what was going on. I wasn’t a journalist, but this might be a good photo opportunity.
