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Me: That’s not how percentages work, but okay ;-)

Alyssa: Seriously though. When the doors opened near the end and she walked out in that mech suit, and told the queen, “Get away from her you bitch!” I literally shouted at the TV. My sister had to come check on me to make sure I was okay!

Me: That’s the best part!

Alyssa: Are the other movies just as good?

Me: Alien, the first movie, is more of a suspense/horror film. It’s very good, although kind of dated. You can totally tell it’s a human wearing a rubber suit.

Me: Alien 3 is an action movie, like Aliens. It’s directed by David Fincher. It didn’t get great ratings, but I love it.

Me: Alien Resurrection and all the prequel movies… ehhh. They’re not really worth your time. But definitely watch the first and third movies.

Alyssa: Nice. I’ll watch the third one tonight.

I smiled. It was satisfying recommending your favorite movie to someone and having them love it just as much as you do. I didn’t have anything going on tonight, and I considered watching it at the same time so I could text her about it in real-time.

But then I thought about the fire last night, and how Mateo had to practically carry Jack out of the house. Life was short. Too damn short.

My thumbs flew across the screen.

Me: If you want to watch it at my place, let me know. I’ll make popcorn.

Alyssa: Are you going to tell me fun facts about the movie every five minutes like an asshole?

Me: Of course, but I’ll do it in a cute way. You’ll love it.

Alyssa: I think I can tolerate that. You are pretty cute. I’ll bring drinks.

Alyssa: I’ve got to go. We’re at the store, and my sister is yelling at me for texting instead of working. See you tonight!

Although I’m sure she wanted to watch the movie, it was a pretext for sex. I knew that, and I was certain Alyssa did too. Yet she had accepted within seconds of me asking.

So much for just a one-time thing.

As the night drew closer, I began to overthink things. This was totally different than the fake date from the other night. Our second date was full of promise and expectations.

I was downright nervous!

I wondered if I should give Jack a courtesy text. After deliberating, I decided not to. He’d made it abundantly clear that he was fine. And if he was lying, then that was his fault for not addressing his feelings like an adult. I couldn’t live my life based on my interpretation of someone else’s emotions, even if that person was my best mate.

Alyssa arrived at the exact time we had agreed upon. My heart soared when I opened the door and saw her. She was gorgeous, even more so tonight than usual. She’d spent time on her hair, and was wearing a little more makeup than last time. She didn’t need it, but it highlighted her heart-shaped face and those full lips.

She leaned in and kissed me on the cheek, then held up a bag. “I bought three jugs of frozen drinks this time, so we don’t have to fight over the last bit.”

A kiss on the cheek? We can pretend this is just a movie night if she wants. “Three? We might get sloppy.”

She grinned at me. “Good.”

Okay, maybe we’re not pretending.

I popped a bag of popcorn in the microwave, and then we settled onto the couch and put a movie on. Alyssa plopped down right next to me, leaning close while sipping on her drink.

“Seriously, Aliens was great,” she reiterated. “Ellen Ripley might be the coolest female protagonist in any movie I’ve ever seen.”

“I’ve always had a crush on Sigourney Weaver,” I admitted. “Even though she’s old enough to be my mum.”

“She’s old enough to be your grandma.”
